Leaves starting to look really bad =(

Hey Everyone.

This is my first grow and I'm nearing the end of life or picking time or so I think anyway. Some of the trics are starting to turn a milky color. The problem is that my leaves are really starting to look rough and discolored and curling. I'm using DWC and I keep my ph ay 5.8 The only nutes Im using are Dyna-Gro Bloom 3-12-6 and a little bit of bud candy. The temp in my box usually stays around 85 and my lighting is the blackstar 240w led panel running at 18/6 . Tomorrow my girls will be 11 weeks from seed old. How can I fix this or is it natural and how long until i should harvest. The strain is Blue Mystic Auto.




New Member
That bleaching and deformed leaves look like your light is too close. How long in flower? They look no where ready yet, got any better pics?


Well-Known Member
I don't know anything about DWC as i grow in soil, but my one question would still be what are the roots looking like?? I assume ur DWC set-up means u can look at the roots easily?? I only ask cause if i saw that condition in soil, my first thought would be its suffering root rot or infection, leading to uptake deficiencies. I may well be wrong & hopefully ur roots are cool & it is just a light problem or just spazzed out by over-nuteing.
Well, I'm no expert on DWC, but I have grown a few plants that way. First of all, you need to get those temps down. 85 is too warm. Aim for 70-75 degrees F.

Second, what size is your reservoir, how much DynaBloom are you using, and what is the temperature of your water?

Finally, I'd argue that you are anywhere near "picking time". You have quite a few weeks to go yet so you need to get this problem under control if you hope to have any harvest at all. If they have been showing flowers 2-3 weeks like you mentioned above, then you've got maybe 4-6 more weeks to go.

And @RedWhiteBlueGreen is right about your roots. What do they look like?

More pics of your set up will go a long way toward helping us help you.

I'm growing Blue Mystic in DWC right now too, but mine is only about 4 days from seed so it's yet to even have much for roots... LOL
I've tried lower the temps but having a hard time. My grow box is kinda cramped and im thinking of getting a larger one very soon. My reservoir is just over a gallon and i usually use about half a eye dropper of nutes, equals out to about a teaspoon. The water temps are around 75 degrees. The buds are looking really healthy right now I just cant figure out the discoloration thing on some of the leaves. I have a smaller plant about half the size in the same reservoir and it is showing signs of yellowing leaves as well so im pretty sure its not the distance of the light tat is causing the issue

here's what my roots look like ...



New Member
Well if that is the distance of your light your O.K., that really does look like bleaching on the leaves though...was your light always that far away? It only takes a few hours to bleach leaves with a big ass LED. Any where else on the plant other than the tops? Green roots means light is getting to them. One gallon res? You need a bigger res. Control of nutes, temp and aeration is way easier in a bigger res.
I started out using cfl's and just switched to LED's probably about two weeks ago ?? My reservoir boxes are painted white, maybe i should go with black ? I think once tis run is finished im going to get a bigger reservoir and a bigger tent. right now i have two reservoirs and have 5 plants going, all diffrent sizes. 1 is planted in soil
I would try to get a bigger res if I were you. I had one plant in a 1 gallon res for about 3 weeks and in just that short time, I found it very hard to stabilize. You can freeze those plastic ice cubes and drop a few of those in your res every few hours to help bring and keep the temps down. I used to keep a rotation of reusable ice cubes in the freezer to help keep my res cool. Another thing you can do it wrap black plastic (or anything opaque) around your res to help keep the light out. That will improve the environment for the roots as well.

It doesn't sound like you are over feeding, but as we've said, it is really much easier to control a larger res. I'm thinking your main problem may be water and room temps.
Led is too close, and looks like youve got a while to go.
How far should it be from the top of the plant ? I have another plant that is half the size and it is showing the same symptoms. It almost makes sense because the only change i have really made in my box was switching from cfl to led.