Leaves spotting


Active Member
Im not sure whats causing this i live southern florida i grow in pots outside i move them everytime it rains gets plety light its been doing good till the last 3 or 4 days staryed noticing small yellow/brown spots all over the leaves. Its a narcotherapy automatic day 33 started showing pistils at day 28 just fed at day 30 when clydeodons fell off using osmocote plus only using distilled water been controling ph down using 1/4th lemon an distilled water bring ph to 6.0 the next day 6.5 an so on been watering 1 a week with a gallon water for maximum runoff to kill build up salts from lemon an osmocote. Using river stones mg nature care organic potting soil omri certified mixed with vigagrow perlite. Only 1 time at week 3 i used a half dose of superthrive for a baby snack.lol no other addatives waiting for proper ph kit in the mail an help greatly appriciated.


Dan Drews

Well-Known Member
Have you looked underneath the spotted leaves with a magnifying glass? Look for little tiny dots and see what they look like magnified. If they look like this, you have spider mites -
- upload_2016-6-17_12-33-3.jpeg

Dan Drews

Well-Known Member
Until you confirm that you have spider mites, I wouldn't recommend what to use. The best way to find out is look at the underside of the leaves with spots.


If its not spider mites id say its cal deficiency, add some calcium and you might see some good results. I just had the same issue on a 3 foot purple i have out back fed it foli-cal, an organic calcium mixture and within 3 days my plant was looking very green and healthy.


Active Member
Chould i try the milk /water for calcium it will take 20 days via amazon to get foiler spray. home remedie i know its 1 part milk 5 part water. But u think that will help
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Active Member
Wouldnt say an infestation but deff some of those buggers there. I tryed fumagating last night with no pest strip2 an sealed the room off an the morning i took out an put in sun took pest strip out pointless to use outside with all the air movement


Well-Known Member
weekly application of Neem/karanja oil!! Get rid of them while its early to save the headache later on. And what is that no pest strip2? The Hot Shot stuff? That shits toxic man dont use it on your plants!!! the active ingredient in it is Dichlorvos which is toxic to people/animals


Well-Known Member
Yes no access to a magnifying glas but got a black sheet of contruction paper shook her an small white flakes fell an moved super slowly also a fruit fly an a gnat.
The damage really looks like spider mites, they seem to have only hit the bottom of the plant so far however i agree with everyone, you need to check before buying anything. A scope or a steady hand and a good phone in macro can do it. If you lightly mist the plant and see very fine webs, then you have your answer


Active Member
The damage really looks like spider mites, they seem to have only hit the bottom of the plant so far however i agree with everyone, you need to check before buying anything. A scope or a steady hand and a good phone in macro can do it. If you lightly mist the plant and see very fine webs, then you have your answer
Thank you for a direct answer. Like i said i seen them. But i dont want to use neem oil suggestions plz.


Active Member
I just need a pest control formula that is guaranteed to work my plant is a autoflower so every minute counts.