Leaves spotting weird


Active Member

Im growing some BC Kush in DWC in Advance Nutrients 2-1-6 grow, and my plants first 5 leaves are starting to get dark spots and orangy/brown dead spots like the size of a sewing needle nothing on the veins just mainly inbetween them and it seems like its moving from the inside out of the leaf, all my leaves are dark green or a light green main stem is green and node stems are purple/red my bottom single leaf leaves seem fine and my 3 leaf leaves seem to have like a whitish i dont know what on them... and my 5 leaf fans are starting that browing thing... i added 1/4 teaspoon of Mag. Sulfate for each gallon in the res. and i was planning of foliar feeding with 1/2 tps/quart cuz i think its a mag def. or im even thinking its a Nitrogen def...

anywayz im really not sure how to fix this...someone care to help me out?

ill have some pics here right aways just gotta find some batteries


Well-Known Member
just to eliminate this as a problem, get a magnifying glass and take a very close look at the back of the leaves. it may be thrips. they're tiny little pests.


Active Member
i just looked...my worst leaf doesnlt seem to have anything...im thinking a PH lockup ive been keeping my bubbleponic at about 5.5-5.8 like my nute says to keep it at but i was looking at a PH chart and you get alot less N,P,K,Ca,Mg,S at 5.5 then at 6.0 so i raised my PH to that...gonna give that a try since i grew at 5.8 with these results up to now...


Well-Known Member
how's your air flow? a gentle breeze blowing over your plants keeps rust from forming. 5.8 is good for hydro.


Active Member
i have a fan blowing directly on the one plant 24/7 but the grow area itself is pretty secluded...its in my basement and i have an area framed and plywooded just one fan blowing


Active Member
ive been researching alot into your thrip idea and i believe thats the problem just because all the symptoms are similar the insect is only attacking my fresh new leaves and the metallic leaf look and the the dead pin spots

hopefully its the problem

would explain how my last crop died....because it died the same way at almost the same time


Well-Known Member
i just looked...my worst leaf doesnlt seem to have anything...im thinking a PH lockup ive been keeping my bubbleponic at about 5.5-5.8 like my nute says to keep it at but i was looking at a PH chart and you get alot less N,P,K,Ca,Mg,S at 5.5 then at 6.0 so i raised my PH to that...gonna give that a try since i grew at 5.8 with these results up to now...
dude, to see thrips, you have to really look close. them fuggers are reeeeeeally small, and will/can blend in. i had to use a magnifying glass to see ur pics well. it's possible that you have them, but just not bad enough to see them yet. they're that small.


Active Member
DUDE Looks like you might have mites. Your worst nightmare! Anyways if you do, it doesn't have to be that bad. Ok here is what you do to get rid of those fuckers! 1. Do whatever you can to keep your temps Lower then 27 C. Mites only happen when your grow area is more then 32 C. for more then two days +. 2. Get Neem oil read the instructions and spray your plant every 2 days, But remember that after you spray your temperatures in your grow room canNOT be greater the 24 C, or you will suffocate your plats, so raise your light, turn it off whatever, put some flourescent instead for wile. Keep that temp after the neem oil for 24 hours, then resume to your normal light and temps (27 is best). The thing with spider mites is that neem oil will do nothing for them BUT will make them sterile and they won't be able to reproduce. Some people use a dishsoap/ water remedies, sometimes peroxide fucking elixirs bla bla bla, The way that works is it dries the mites eggs and cracks them open when the shit dries. Anyways mites reproduce every few days so keep at it for a week or two. Mites are everywhere, in soil , on our clother, on your cat. The problem is that you keep your temps at 27 c, in the future and you should be fine! Peace! Good luck!

PS. If you're working from clones, your buddy might have given you those fuckers! that sucks!


Active Member
no i dont i have a ppm meter but i heard its worth getting a ppm and ec meter...could it be because of my nutrients?


New Member
i'm guessing your nutes are too strong or you haven't changed the res in a few weeks. you can't do hydro without a ppm meter; it's like running blind through a forrest. get one or go soil. the recommended dose is often many times more than a young plant can handle. if you haven't changed out the res in a while, do so and add nutes at 1/10-1/8 label directions. otherwise you should dilute your res to at least half strength.


Active Member
ya i basically butchered the plant i cut off both infected 5 leaves and 3 leaves, and i pinched the top so i got 4 node leafs( all 5 leaves and in great health) and 2 single leaves so hopefully it will live ill post a pic