leaves, should I be worried?


Active Member
can someone let me know if i should be worried. It seems that on most of my plants the leaves are drooping, and in some of the middle of the leaves, there appears to be a bluish tint. any help is appreciated.​


Active Member
can someone let me know if i should be worried. It seems that on most of my plants the leaves are drooping, and in some of the middle of the leaves, there appears to be a bluish tint. any help is appreciated.
it looks alright. but it could be the beginning of somthing. you gotta give more specs on ur setup for a good diagnosis. air temp, soil temp, lights, how far they are, are you using nuit yet? is the soil soggy? is it really dry? is it new soil? is it old soil? is it pH balanced? there are a ton of factors that can influence different aspects of the plant. colder temperatures slow the uptake of nuits. waterlogged soil can do the same. so can a pH imbalance and so can toxic salt build up. and then again there could be nothing wrong with your plant... need more info bud

Snow Crash

Well-Known Member
They look alright right now. If they start to brown or yellow come on back and post those pictures. This could be a very early sign of something... Or it could be nothing at all. Really too hard for someone not in the room to be certain of.


Active Member
thanks for the reply's. temp is about 83 in the day with about 50% humidity. I have co2. Soil was new when planted on the 28th of november. Soild for the most part is dry. I have just been watering very little near where the plant is about every 2 days. I have not added any nutes yet.


Active Member
i'm wondering if i need to water more?
let the plant tell you. watch for it to droop slightly. underwatering causes the roots to strech out and spread to find more water, not letting it get BONE dry though, vs over watering where your plants get root rot and dont get enough oxygen to the roots. so i would suggest stayin on your current water schedule if not water less and see how the plant reacts. it knows what it wants you just gotta know how to listen to it.


Active Member
i know im not over watering. Im watering every other day, but just in the middle of the pot where the little baby is, and im only putting like maybe 1/4 to 1/2 cup


Active Member
thats why i was thinking i should maybe start watering normally now. I was watering like that because they were so little and i didnt want to hurt the poor girls


Well-Known Member
Water about twice a week, no need to drown your plants. Plus you should put the temp down to 70-75 degrees, i dont think the humidity comes into play until flowering.


Active Member
thats why i was thinking i should maybe start watering normally now. I was watering like that because they were so little and i didnt want to hurt the poor girls
like i said let the girls tell you what they need. and if you cant understand what they are telling you get a water meter from lowes, homedepot, etc