Leaves rolling/curling up o.O


Active Member
Hi All,

The largest lady in my garden is acting a little weird. Some of the upper 1/3 or so leaves are curling/rolling themselves up, I first noticed it about a week or so ago, and then its been happening a bit more lately.

Strain: XXX skunk
time: 2 days into flowering (12/12)
last watered: yesterday
lights: 1000W MH, about 18-24 inches from plant?
last nutes: about a week ago with watering
temps: pretty consistent 78-80F

any ideas? pics all from the same plant.

Any suggestions or help would be great :)


Well-Known Member
I'm not sure what nutes your using but...

Remember you may not need to water your plants as much since the lights are off..

(Scroll down to over watering..)

Hope they snap out of it...


Active Member
Irrigation water, its 6.5ph from columbia river. Ive talked to other people who have had great luck with it. Could poor nutrients make it do that? Ive only used the miracle grow general vegetable feed stuff. (24 8 16) ever other watering. (Its just a first grow attempt so im doin it on the cheap). I do plan on using an organic bloom nutrients during flowering


Well-Known Member
just flush your plant quick....you are about to have a big issue....are you letting water sit in the bottom of the pot in any way? and I mean without flushing.


Active Member
My plant is havin the same problem.... usually the very bottom set of leaves curls inward and seem dry but still perfectly green.... what am i doin wrong? is it the PH, not enough lights, or the water that im using? [tap water that has been out for at least 24hr].... this is prob a stupid question but how do you post one on ur own... i only know how to reply.... thanks..


Well-Known Member
My plant is havin the same problem.... usually the very bottom set of leaves curls inward and seem dry but still perfectly green.... what am i doin wrong? is it the PH, not enough lights, or the water that im using? [tap water that has been out for at least 24hr].... this is prob a stupid question but how do you post one on ur own... i only know how to reply.... thanks..
bottom of the forum you will find a link to post....same place as the reply to thread but in the main...also...you need to flush your plant too...read this whole thread


Active Member
After reading quite a bit it sounds like potassium deficiency, im having all the symptoms of it. rust color spots, weak droopy looking stems but strong leaves, curling up etc. Im going to leech tonight and put in a high K blooming fert on friday.


Active Member
herbologist, thanks for the reply I may have mis-typed. I think its a lack of potassium. I am going to do some work on the girls this weekend, repot them in some new soil (I had a bit of clay in there, they were transplanted outside to inside) and put them in a bit bigger pots if possible. Then Ill watch for a few days, im going to start using steer-manure on reccomendation from a friend and see how things go.


Well-Known Member
herbologist, thanks for the reply I may have mis-typed. I think its a lack of potassium. I am going to do some work on the girls this weekend, repot them in some new soil (I had a bit of clay in there, they were transplanted outside to inside) and put them in a bit bigger pots if possible. Then Ill watch for a few days, im going to start using steer-manure on reccomendation from a friend and see how things go.
your friend is a dumbass...that plant cannot handle steer manure till you fix your problem...DO NOT put it in steer manure yet...you WILL most likely kill it. steer manure is about as hardcore as it gets homie.


Active Member
Ok thanks for the advice, do you have any idea what the N-P-K rating steer manure generally has? He has been growing for like 20 years (outdoors) and all he uses is steer manure, worm casings and worm food. So I just thought id give it a shot.

The plan is get some bigger buckets, clean em with bleach, repot all of my ladies, into some new soil, give them a week or so and see how things go from there. I am about 5 days into flowering so I think replanting should be OK this early. Ill probably hold off on adding anything but water for at least a week or 2 to see how they are doing. They look pretty healthy other than the curled leaves.