leaves problem...please help...(pics included)


Active Member
seedlings of white widow, ice and crystal are about a week and a half old.
growing in coco medium
under 24/7 600HPS lights
watered 2min every 4 hours
PH is regulated between 5.6 and 6.2
EC (using GHE florIMG_1967.JPGa series on RO water) was 0.6

plant leaves started to go bright green...moved from the outside of the leaf to the insidIMG_1968.JPGe...
new leaves also comes out bright bright green...

I thought it was a deficiency and increased nuts to 0.8...
bottom IMG_1965.JPGleaves started to go yellow and tips started to burn.

what is it???

pics attached...

please help!!!

thank you :)


Well-Known Member
classic out grown problem ! you plant has outgrown its pot you must upgrade to a bigger pot !
Dude what are you talking about? that plant has NOT outgrown that pot. this is the second post i have seen where this guy said it was root bound.. WHICH IS COMPLETELY WRONG!!!!


Well-Known Member
looks like your feeding them with a real light food, I would increase your nute intake cause it looks like its lacking nitrogen. Also you might wanna check you waters ph


Well-Known Member
waters ph should be around 6.3-7.0 which reverse osmosis is 7.0 which should be fine and your ppm with a veg food should be 800-1000ppm so looks like you just need to feed them a little more


Active Member
waters ph should be around 6.3-7.0 which reverse osmosis is 7.0 which should be fine and your ppm with a veg food should be 800-1000ppm so looks like you just need to feed them a little more
but when I raised nuts they reacted badly and leaves tips started to burn...
should I still raise nuts?

how much time will it take for me to know if I raised by enough?

btw. I'm growing soiless on coco...so ph should be 5.5-6.5 no?