leaves not looking good


Active Member
Hello everyone Iv got some deficiency issues... my lower leaves and middle leaves mainly the fans are discoloring! I am growing with a drip feed in cocoa with an ec of 1.3 right now with hesi cocoa bloom,powerzyme,supervit and also adding cal/mag supp and using a bio balancer (good bacteria) ,also keep it clean(same stuff as drip clean)...

Im starting the 3rd week of flower and have been hand feeding once a week to get a good run off and drip feeding 2 or 3 times a day with no run off the rest of the week...



Well-Known Member
nitrogen brothaa/sistaa
edit: i also see some tip burn maybe its a high temperature or too much air , or you need to leech better than you do. something along those lines. Just dont make the mistake of bumping up Nitrogen and having excess salts, sometimes salts build up because the medium gets too dry at a certain point and the salt crystallizes.

I would just add a little more veg solution in there, and give it a better leeching which is 3x the mediums size of water poured through it. be sure re add a nute watering after leeching and when leeching dont use reverse osmosis water, but maybe plain water for the first portion of the leeching and then a 1/4 dose of nutrient, followed by full dose. from there you do the next watering 1/2 dose then next 1/4 dose, then step up the dose and go full, and down again. you want a little run off because it will help keep salts down as you digress the load. too much run off will suck a crap load of nutes out and strap the medium of its nutes you poured in in the beginning. its hard to explain but this is how i understand the salt buildup idea

Po boy

Well-Known Member
your plant is chlorotic due to nutrient deficiency. as mentioned give it more veg food ( it'll contain more nitrogen). GL


Active Member
thanx for replies...so should i lower the bloom feed and up with vedge?? or just add the vedge feed at alow dose on top of what i already give??


Well-Known Member
do it on top of it and then slowly back off and then do it again but more of bloom , little by little, while keeping 1/4 dose or so of veg nute


Active Member
Thanx again Nizza...I will also feed at a ph of 6/6.1 to try and bring the run off up as at the moment its been reading 5.5 after putting in 5.8 in...