leaves instead of pre-flowers?? hermie?!?


Active Member
ok so one of my plants is showing female, the top node and a couple below it are showing white hairs but the bottom and middle nodes where pre-flowers should be are growing little tiny leaves??? anyone heard of this? know what it is? or if this could have anything to do with a hermie?? also i was out looking at my plants and i noticed on this same plant a little orange circle on a lower leaf, i wiped it off, and it seemed sort of powdery and damp, i know pollen is orange but this is just one dot about the size of the the letter O on ur keyboard. i removed the last male a couple days ago, and i dont think theres anyway they busted, i killed all the males before there was even 2 balls clustered together...maybe it nothing? maybe ima get seeds?


Well-Known Member
I don't understand what you are asking. Leaves come out of the nodes regardless of sex. If you only see pistils and no balls like that were on your males than you have a female


Active Member
its right on the main stem...like theres already a fan leaf going out and then a branch coming out of that about a foot long, but on the main stem where the pre-flowers always pop up, there tiny leaves starting to grow


Well-Known Member
um, wow.....u gotta do a lil research sometimes but anyway......thats exactly what your plant should be doing....give us a pic and we'll be able to tell for sure then.


Active Member
thats right on the main stem, the stems you see going out are branches not fan leaves, i had to cut the fan leaves there cuz they died awhile back


Active Member
I'm out too ya'll feeling the pain, well I do have an oz. or so of sensei but it's still on the plant growing I don't know whether to be bummed or happy so I guess I'll just be happy.
Too bad this thread is so old. I just googled the same question. The reason why it is confusing is the leaves are growing where the preflowers normally would. This is a problem because at first, the little growing leaf looks a lot like a male preflower. This problem is also two fold for me since these seeds I have seem to be prone to hermie, so I am already extra paranoid about male parts. Anyone have any thoughts?


Well-Known Member
Too bad this thread is so old. I just googled the same question. The reason why it is confusing is the leaves are growing where the preflowers normally would. This is a problem because at first, the little growing leaf looks a lot like a male preflower. This problem is also two fold for me since these seeds I have seem to be prone to hermie, so I am already extra paranoid about male parts. Anyone have any thoughts?
lateral branching is normal. you should be worried if leaves arent growing there. male preflowers wont develop into leaves or branches, whereas leaves will start looking like leaves pretty quickly. dont panic until you cna clearly see balls