leaves hanging down ...over watering ?

jeffrey lebowski

Active Member
i planted my seeds a week ago and they came up within 24hours...i have them under 600w hps..with a fan..and the temp changes from 20degrees to 28degrees....the plants are about 3 to 4 inches...i cant upload pics cos i have no camera...anyone hav any ideas wats wrong?they came up a nice dark green with straight leaves but they have started to hang down now..please help :cry:


Active Member
no nutes...just distilled water..i had the light about 4 feet away..was watering once a day..but nt too much just a a few drops lol

Hmmm 20-28 degrees really?

Also your not going to want to water everyday I water every 3-4-5 days just depends on how much water my plants absorb....

Test the moisture of the soil by place your thumb down in the soil... if you feel moisture .. too much moisture will mean over watering..

Now if you test the moisture and its dry give it water until some leaks out the bottom... but of course you said your plant is still very young so until it gets to about 5-6 inches, just spray with regular distilled water... not everyday, just when it needs it... and no nutes the first two weeks unless you started from clone...

If you have AIM id be glad to help you with all the problems your having with your plants...



Well-Known Member
Its better to water thoroughly and let the soil dry out between waterings. No more watering daily :)

jeffrey lebowski

Active Member
Its better to water thoroughly and let the soil dry out between waterings. No more watering daily :)
i last waterd them 2days ago and the soil is still moist..but the leaves at the tips are still curling up and turn into a light brown..i am now using natural light as the sun is blazing here :) and its nt too hot...i dnt knw what else i can do :(..i should also mention that even do the tips are turnin brown some new green leaves are still forming ...plz help:cry:
I don't know for sure, but I remember reading somewhere that pure distilled water is not healthy to be persons only source of drinking water. Maybe it's bad for plants too.