Leaves growing yellow spots overnight. Leaf Septoria or Nutrient deficiency?

My regiment for feeding was off the recommendations from the General Hydroponics feeds. Noted on the PH meter, getting a newer, better one on order today. I did PH my mix going in and it was was 6.5 when I fed them. I’ll be more careful about water PH though going in. Didn’t realize how nutrient rich the soil already was. Nor did I realize adding such a low PH would be that terrible. Thank you for the tips/suggestions. Definitely going to have an even better second grow after this one.
One part wormcastings 4 parts peat, pearlite lime mollasses covers almost all elements needed by a plant, copper the only thing lacking l believe mychorhyzae would help too.
One part wormcastings 4 parts peat, pearlite lime mollasses covers almost all elements needed by a plant, copper the only thing lacking l believe mychorhyzae would help too.
Thank you for this! I’ll look into getting some of these supplements in the near future. How do you know when to add these, outside of your plants displaying shortages?