Leaves from Bottom of Plant Keep Falling Off Help!


Well-Known Member
i have 9plants in a 4x8x7 grow tent in flower with 3k watts temps are around 77-82 degrees during day and 65-70 degrees during night. plant looks healthy but every day im pulling dead healthy looking leaves off, all leaves seem to fall off from the bottom of the plant, the stem holding the leaf gets real soft till it breaks and leaf falls off weird thing the leaves that are falling off look real healthy.. im feeding properly and have enviroment tuned in, cant understand whats going on, im thinking canopy is getting to thick so light cant penatrate lower leaves causing leaves to die. anyone have any ideas? heres sum pics of the leaves that just fell, they dont look as heathy as sum of the leaves that i find.



Well-Known Member
Is it in the first Month of flower?
If so its kind normal , the plant will suck the nitorgen out of em for buds an shed em cause they dont get light


I am week one into flowering & the same thing is happening to me. I have the plant under a strict 12 on 12 off light schedule, the same light she was grown under. The leaves seem as if they are just "snapping" off, right at the stem. I am hoping she is just root-bound. Transplanting her tomorrow, wish me luck!