leaves folding upward


Active Member
thanks for the suggestions. the reason i was keeping them under domes is because the humidity in my cab is only 25-30 so i was hoping the domes would help until i get a humidifier. should i just leave them off till i get a humidifier? also they are about 16-17 days now and are growing plenty leaves but the leaves arent that big and the plants are only like 2 inches. they are in 160z plastic cups and the leaves arent even to the edges of the cups yet. also you say just let the top 2 inches get dry before water? theres still moisture at the bottom of cup though. is that ok? could the slow growth maybe be related to the soil not being "light enough"? just general potting soil with no added nutrients with added perlite but after seeing others pictures im thinking i could have added more perlite. should i transfer to larger pots with better soil? i was thinking fox farm ocean forest or should i just use same soil but add more perlit? thanks again.


Well-Known Member
at this stage they need as much fresh air as possible. no domes. your humidity is fine. if you would like it higher, simply get a dish and put a shallow amount of water in it under the light where it is warm. the roots need oxygen, that is why you add perlite and allow propper drainage. not watering everyday and letting the soil lose moisture causes the roots to "search" thus creating a way better root system it will need to carry heavy colas. ocean forest is great but expensive. dont let the price turn you away as you are getting what you pay for. i used a 3to 1 ocean forest to light warrior with a teaspoon of indo bat guano and ALOT of perlite. like 40% or so. i do i have to water often for it will dry out quick. but it will stretch your exspensive soil. for the fist 30 days i only use superthrive. then i start on a nitro feeding at very low amounts. then watch how they react. i think that they want out of those beer cups and in to a 3 gallon pot or so of some organic goodness. and about your paranoia, your small potatoes. and you dont have to post to be tracked. simply looking at an IP address corresponds to your address and then can be linked to an account that someone pays for then providing a user. if they havent questioned you about your attempt to reign terror on the US people with your marijuana cultivation, they wont. but becareful what you look at and even type into google. it is keywords that are flagged then documented.


Active Member
thanks for the good tips man. i was thinking the reason they are staying so small is because the soil isnt loose enough. i think ill transplant into a better soil and add more perlite this time. anyway like i was saying the top 2in of soil get dry but then about the bottom 2in still is moist . i stick my moisture meter down there and it reads in the middle( not wet, but not dry) should i wait till the bottom drys out as well or if i water wont i be asking for mold ? thanks


Well-Known Member
i personally let them dry out till the leaves are droopy. alot of people dontsuggest this but doing it once in a while will keep mildew down and encourage feeding. my friend saw them like this and started yeiling at me. i waterd them while he rolled up a spliff and by the time we were chinese eyed they were at attention. like magic! transplant them into bigger containers. i suggest the ones you will be flowering them in to reduce the amount of transplant and thus stress. give them a nice watering and then let it dry out for a couple days. i've never used a moisture meter. ever. with practice the color of your soil at different depths will tell you what you need to know. in three gallons my top roots are peeking out and im not at flower yet


Active Member
my last water all 4 plants leaves were drooping. 3 of the 4 picked right up. the other is still droopy and it looks as if around the edges of the leaves the are stlightly loosing color. what you think?


Well-Known Member
nitrogen, root bound, over feeding. cannabis needs very for eviroment, but keep in mind little is more.