Leaves folding?.....cant figure out whats causing it.


Well-Known Member
It happens to everyone of my plants, some of the leaves seem to fold, i cant figure
out why. the leaves that do it, dont ever seem to recover. at first i though i had spider mites, the leaves are doing the samething that they do when spider mites build there webs on the bottom, only thing is, no mites. so i figure it has to be somekind of deficiency, but i havnt found anything online that they match or anything in ed's book......the first three pics below are 'rocklock', 3rd week of veg from clone, the fourth pic is 'big bud', first week of 12/12 but the leaf that is folded up has been that way for about two weeks. theres also a pic of all the ladies together, they dont look unhealthy or anything, i just wanna narrow down this issue....i have also been fighting fungas gnats, dont know if that could have anything to do with it.....

grow room and plant def. pics 040.jpggrow room and plant def. pics 039.jpggrow room and plant def. pics 042.jpggrow room and plant def. pics 044.jpggrow room and plant def. pics 046.jpg

a few details
-light;1000 watt hps
-soil; super soil, perlite and worm casting mix
-water; r/o water always properly adjusted
-nutes; very light dose of cal-mag, just gave them molasses (thinking it could be a calcium deficiency?)
-ph; water in 6.8-7.0, runoff ph 6.3-6.4
-r/h; 38%-60%
-temps; 75-80.8* daytime and 66-77* night. is that too much fluctaution?

*if there is any other info needed please ask.


Well-Known Member
flush then repot no nutes for a week. some over fert with N. Dont bother repotting small ugly ones ,just flush.


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the reply *BUDZ, i have a few questions though........

why are they getting an over fert of nitrogen, i havnt feed them any nutes (except cal-mag)? Is the soil too hot? supersoil (0.14% nitrogen), perlite (0.04% nitrogen) and wormcasting (0.8% nitrogen)? i would just like to understand why this is happening. i havnt given them any nutes other than the cal-mag and molasses yesterday. i know cal-mag has 2.0 nitrogen in it. i have only given them that at half dose. did i put too much of the worm casting dirt into the supersoil? each 5 gallon bucket has about a cup of worm casting mixed into it......if anyone else has any input, i'ld appreciate it.


Active Member
just wondering if those blue party cups have drain holes in them? i've had plants do this in the past and i never figured out what caused it. after a few sets the new growth looked fine. whats your PH? i don't think you've over fed as they're no burnt tips on new growth. thats noramlly the first sign you'll notice JMO


Well-Known Member
just wondering if those blue party cups have drain holes in them? i've had plants do this in the past and i never figured out what caused it. after a few sets the new growth looked fine. whats your PH? i don't think you've over fed as they're no burnt tips on new growth. thats noramlly the first sign you'll notice JMO
yea the blue party cups have holes? i also put a screen at the bottom to block the dirt from clogging the holes......ph in is 6.8-7.0 and the runoff is 6.3-6.4.


Well-Known Member
misc. pictures 004.jpgmisc. pictures 002.jpgmisc. pictures 001.jpgmisc. pictures 003.jpgOk so i flushed and im still getting new growth that folds or droops really bad, its wierd because some of the leaves grow out normal and some grow out messed up.......the pics above are new pics i took today and i think they show the problem better than the previous pics. besides the drooping/folded leaves they are growing really well, i measured them yesterday and they were 25'' and i just measured again when i took the pic and the one i measured yesterday is almost 2'' taller......im a newb so any help or tips is greatly appreciated


Active Member
Its N overload... commonly called "The CLAW" yikes...can be caused by several nutes being locked out at once , thus allowing too much N and nothing else,, I had the same thing in my grow... I flusheda7changed the rez... you need to flush really well and just feed ph'd h20 for a day or two at most imo...... You dont always get burned tips first.... here is a nice link to help you... save it .. https://www.rollitup.org/marijuana-plant-problems/216537-self-diagnose-your-plants.html


Well-Known Member
im assuming i put too much of the worm casting in the soil, theres about a 1/2 cup of the worm casting in each five gallon pot.....less in some. i didnt think that was much at all but i guess with the supersoil already having ferts, it put it over the top? guess i'll try flushing again.


Well-Known Member
:sad: i have hermies

heres the story, i flushed the soil about four days ago because they still were showing signs of nitrogen overdose even after the first flush. they are growing really quickly, maybe 2''-2 1/2'' a day, and i thought all was well until i looked at them closely today. i've been checking for hermies almost daily, im paranoid, my last grow turned hermie from light leaks (i think).....well now i think its happening again!:? i found a few spots on the lower branches of two of the plants where little bananas are starting to form in between some stigmas, and i also found a few (i think there called, petoile's) the thing at the base of the leafs/node where the two stigmas come out, well some of them have a little, little baby green seed inside.....im devasted! again, a lot of time and money down the drain..... i really cant figure out whats going on, at first i was thinking that maybe some leftover pollen fertilized them, but then i found those bananas (or male flowers) forming so i figure they didnt get fertilized, there going hermie. right? if so, what could it have been the nitrogen overdose? the light leak in the first week? the soil they're in is too hot i guess, thats the whole reason i started the thread..... i've flushed it twice like i stated above but maybe i didnt do it in time?... so could too much nitrogen from the worm casting cause them to hermie? also the light leaks that caused the last batch to hermie didnt get fixed till this batch was one or one and a half weeks into flower, could that have caused them to hermie? i didnt realize it was light leaks that caused the first grow to herm, i just thought it was bad genetics but then i read about how even a tiny amount of light can sometimes cause a hermie so i checked and sure enough, i had a few (like 7-8)small leaks. i thought i sealed them in time and figured this grow would be ok because they were only in flower for a week or so before i caught the leak. but no:sad: i :hump:something up.......any comments, tips are always appreciated.

*can a mod lock this thread i started a new thread with this thread as a link. i started a new one because the title of this thread has nothing to do with my issue at hand but the info does pertain to it. thank you.