Leaves dry, twisting, curling got pics!


My plant is about a month old i think its an indica, i know nothing of growing, i'm using a natural radiant light and a flourasent light the lights are about five in about the top of the plant. It is in a pot that is 10in across the top and 12 in deep, with everyday black dirt. Everything was going good with her then one day the leaves were just twisted and curled, it happened over night, i did move the plant to a different location and re set everything up, and i did water it alot which might of caused the problem but not sure take a look and let me know what you think i should do. the room is kept at 73f with a fan.

if you have a plant growing and know nothing about it can I assume that you dont really care about the plant and really arent looking for an answer? Or do you really care and this is the first step?
transplant it into good dirt, Happy Frog or Ocean Forest and grab some General Hydro. nutrients and a good set of CFL's and you will be ready for your first grow.


yea this is my first one, ive been reading alot about it but none of there problems are like mine, the plant leaves are also dry


Active Member
ok looks like a kind of fert burn.

you regular black dirt looks like some kind of potting soil mixture.

my guess is the soil has built in time release fertalizer, you watered too much and released alot made ur plant sick.


when should i be watering her? and you think that is the only problem? when i moved the light she grew straight towards it.


Active Member
My guess, is heat stress. I put a space heater too close a plant/fan one night and the next morning it looked like that + a leaf looked like it had melted. 0_o


Well-Known Member
Hmmm....Could be the nutes, or could be the ph...both will cause leaves to curl and seem dry...I have a plant doing the same now...but the ph is good, so I assume it is the nutes....I'm not too worried about it at the moment. All the new growth looks great so....


Plant looks way too stretchy, and at that height there should be more pronounced branching. Most likely there isn't enough light for it; i don't know what a 'natural radiant light' is but odds are it isn't suitable, and if you where to use compact fluorescent lights you'll need several of them.
Don't let the fan blow directly on the plant, that could possibly be your problem. You want more of a gentle, passive air flow. The leaves should flutter just slightly, you don't want them blown all about.

Do you have any way of checking soil pH? If you're serious about growing read up on the different methods and choose one.
And unless you ordered feminized seeds that plant might very well turn out to be male.


I do not have a way but i could prolly pick up a ph tester and let you know, i wanna know what i need to save this plant, i only plan on growing one plant at a time, so i don't want the super expensive stuff.