Leaves dieng during Vegetative?


Im growing bagseed my plant has been vegging for about a month and a half, and the lower leaves that were the first in have died, and the second set that came in have died, none of the higher leaves are dieng but i was just wondering if this is normal?


Ill look into the fertilizer, i started off not to serious but my plant has really kicked off so its in MG Organic right now


Well-Known Member
Leaves do get less effecient as they age, as does almost anything living, when the plant decides a leaf has fufilled it purpose and is no longer worth keeping around it will remove stored energy and such from the leaves as it gets ready to drop it. With the info youve so far given their is no possible way for us to tell you if thats whats going on.

Brick Top

New Member
Growing outdoor for 8-9 hours a day then bringing it inside with 2 200 watt cfls for another 6-7 hours 16on 8off
How tall are the plants and is that 200 actual watts or 200 equivalent watts per light? How high off the tops of your plants do you keep the lights? Do the lights have reflective hoods to direct/aim/focus the light downward onto the plants?


How tall are the plants and is that 200 actual watts or 200 equivalent watts per light? How high off the tops of your plants do you keep the lights? Do the lights have reflective hoods to direct/aim/focus the light downward onto the plants?

There is 200 actual watts, and their is a light working the top of my plant with a reflective hood and another light without one working the sides of my plant, both about 2 incches from the plant.


Well-Known Member
See how nobody is really any help? Its because we dont know jack about your grow still.......... Pictures if you want to stop wasting our time :) :)