leaves curling?


Active Member
Correctomundo everyone, New growers make this mistake, most of the soil being bragged about including the one I bragg about, are packed with primary and secondary macro nutes. All the good stuff your plant needs to blast off and get into veg. Most are composted with forest detrious matter, so they are rich in micro nutes as well. A four inch plant of any kind even a basil, takes awile to depleat these soils. If you use something with time realease beads your plants wll be fed even longer. This means you need NO nutes. Admendments that do particuare things, mabey. cal mag etc.When the plant starts to depleate the soil, an experienced grower will recognize this. And then adjust with specialized nutes. Some growers on a budget or with limited products available will use nutes not so specialized, like miricle grow etc. So in conclusion, yes, just water this little plant when needed. Let it dry out in between waters. Give it a good one in a few days, but not right away. A flush at this point will just make things worse. I don't think lock -out at this point is your issue, those roots seem to feeding that plant to the point of overdose. So no flush right now. In a few days of just a little water, water one a little heavy and test the run off. Check for Ph you are trying to get this soil as close to 7.0 as possible. need more help just message me. Also let it recover a little before re-poting.A day or two will benifit the plant. I'ts been through hell already. Watch the new growth and ignore the old. What you see happening iin the new growth is whats important now.


Well-Known Member
ninja thank you , melungeonman thank you aswell, and thank you to the others -- was wi\orking all day , so i will let them dry out completely, in a few days ill do a flush with just water, ill transplant a day or 2 after the flush, then maintain there waterings only to when they need them, also the nutes i will stop completely most likely till flowering now cause im pretty skeptical of using any more at all. thanks alot guys


Well-Known Member
they look overwatered to me. Do you always keep the soil that wet? Is there good drainage?

If they are overwatered, the fertilizer is only exacerbating the problem.