Leaves curling up, looking bad.


Active Member
Hi. I will tell you the short story and the long story,

Short story.
Top leaves are curling up and have a purplish tinge in through the centre.

Long story.
Light 1 foot above plant 400 watt hps, ventalation is OK. Temps 24C-30C in the day. And 23 - 27 at night. I use 1.5 -4 - 5 organic nutes. Every water a ounce per gallon and a half gallon given to each plant every 3-4 days. Just one of the plants started doing this. The plant is 7 weeks into flowering. When the plant was the bottom leaves started too yellow and 4 fan lealves have no died at the bottom. The next level is yellow with purple stripes and the one above that is green curling down with some purple stripes closer to the stem that holds it. The top leaves started to yellow at the tips 3 weeks ago and the tips of the leaves died about 1 cm in. More yellowing has occured. forming aorund the outside. One week ago the top leaves started curling up and now that have curled almost in circles. They are purple in around where the stem holds them and have a purplish cast through out the centre of them. They curled from the top of the plant and worked its way down and now is half wawy down where leaves are trying to curl over. Here is a pic, appreciate anyhelp Thanks.


Active Member
Hi there,

I had the same curling and it was from heat, i was about 31c at the canopy and added a fan to move some air around and all was fixed. not saying that is exactly what u are dealing with but the leaves curling like that look spot on to what mine did.



Active Member
yeah because it is usually 26 27 at canopy Thanks, Im not to sure, I dont really want to bring the temp lower then that.


Well-Known Member
re- leaf curl etc. check for spider mites under leaf if not it is likely to hot for that particular strain also some strains go weird towards the end of the bud cycle