Leaves curling up longways


Well-Known Member
Hey everyone,

Unfortunately I do not have anything photos at this time. The "Leaves Curling Up" in the FAQ does not appear to be what I am experiencing.

Never had this problem until the winter started so I am thinking it has something to do with the environment (humidity?). I do not have anything to read humidity. Temp is around 80 during the day and maybe 70 at night.

The leaves are curling up / folding longways. As in not the tips curling over. But the entire individual leaf "fingers" kind of folding together.

What can this be, how can I solve it and does it really even matter?

Seems to be only my plants from seed as the clones right next to them seem to be doing alright. This is not a genetic issue either because there are multiple strains.

Thanks in advance.


Well-Known Member
sounds like they are trying to conserve as much moisture as possible. some wet rages in bowls should help. upper or lower fan leaves?


Well-Known Member
I had V'ing of leaves length wise, I gave a 1/8 teaspoon per gallon of Mg (epsom salts $4. drugstore) once, in 24 hours they were fine and never had to treat again.... I may have just been lucky but I can't debate results..
Good chart.. FAQ..to plant problem...to PH/nute problem...to chart by Neitzsche...


Well-Known Member
Hmm I did see in the FAQ it could me Mg but my plants look nothing like those disasters in the photos.


Well-Known Member
my bad, I thought I read curling down. sorry. what is your humidity? sounds like heat stress. as Twistyman stated, it could be an mg problem, but usually I have found that it is the actual small tips of the outer leaves that curl like that when they want mg, not necessarily the whole leaf, but it could be that. post some pics


Well-Known Member
I have a very similar problem, and i'm still not quite sure what it is. But my room is not very hot at all. In fact it is ranging right now from the 68degrees to 78 degrees day and night. I'm going to treat with some epson salt and see if thats what it is and i'll let you know. I'm watchin this thread in case anyone has any suggestions. The plants look fine but the leaves just don't look right that way...