Leaves curling over, help!/


Could someone tell me how 1 plants leaves curl up and over, is this a deficincy, all help greatly received.


my toe hurts, whats wrong?

More detail please and pictures,
i have 2 plants that have the same issue, leaves yellowing from bottom,and the leaves are turning over, i dont have ph meter, i do have ph test strips, i could testthe run off, dont have temp. soz guys on a very tight leed with cash. ill post the pics.
Thanks all who replied.DSCF0145.JPG DSCF0146.JPG DSCF0145.JPG DSCF0145.JPG DSCF0146.JPG



Well-Known Member
your yellowin is at bottum is most likely unrelated
light setup is 600w hps in a small closet, i have a fan but no extraction point for cool air to get in, posted pic, cant do zip about heat stress.
Thanks guys. peace
Could you open your closet door when lights are on? She deaf is choking wanting fresh source of co2. ive seen smaller grows suppliment co2 levels with these vented bags which grow some sort of fungus. I know if you cant Vent you want to Supliment co2, one or the other.


Well-Known Member
Honestly man, I tested the ppm of co2 in a tent and out of it with one of those and there was no difference. Who knows, I could of had a bad/old bag or something?

Personally i'd just spend more time in there talking to them, emitting co2 (Won't fix your problem). But def need to supplement co2 or fresh air like green machine said. Fresh air would probably be your best/easiest bet if possible.
Good luck
your lower leaves look fine so pinch off the bad leaves and watch what happens, personally i would throw some Calmg and some h2o2 together and watch her bounce back.


Well-Known Member
I would vouch for the heat stress on this one and since there is no way to vent I would just babysit her through the rest of her grow but if it's as hot as she is making it look under that 600w she isn't gonna last too much long try feeding with a colder water temp usually helps ( small quick fixes) but that co2 supplement would really help your plants even the co2 sheets you hang that are activated by humidity or misting.... My 2 cents