Leaves Curling, Oldest Leaf Sets Died (Pictures Included)


Active Member
First Grow
Medium: Miracle Grow Moisture Control (Nutrients up to six months.)
Methods: None
Strain: Bagseed
Age: 1 Month
Height: 1.5 Feet

As the title says, my leaves seem to be curling, on old and even some new leaves. Also, some tips seem to be burnt, (mostly older leaves). I've been scared of causing nute burn so I haven't fed it anything (besides whatever is in the soil). I also let it dry out before feedings. I don't want to cripple my yield so I'm hoping so solve this problem soon. Should I start feeding? Or is the MG soil already too much?

The only leaves that have died (so far) are the first two sets. The first four leaves that show, the four single leaves.

It has also been under watered once, leaves drooping and the pot being very light. It seemed to recovery fairly quickly though, maybe its not fully recovered?


The last single leaf dying.


looks to me the curling is over watering. and the yellowing leaves at the bottom could be caused by some nutrient deficiency. the bottom leaves tend to die off first in order to feed the upper ones.


Active Member
Depending on how long it has been in that pot, you could start giving it SMALL amounts nuntes. A one month plant should handle it, but only do so if the lower leaves continue to yellow and die.

edit: I have no experience with your soil.


Active Member
Thanks for the replies. I'll try feeding it a small amount. I'm just kind of stuck because I don't think I'm over watering, but I don't want to start feeding and cause nute burn, since the soil already has some nutrients.


Well-Known Member
Depending on how long it has been in that pot, you could start giving it SMALL amounts nuntes. A one month plant should handle it, but only do so if the lower leaves continue to yellow and die.
A small amount of a nute will help here. Note if you feed it and it responds it is telling you that it needs to be fed so up the nutrients accordingly/


I can't really help but I have the same problem and heres what Ive tried so far. Yes, all the syptoms are signs of overwatering and nute defiency so obviously I've tried to correct the problem. I stopped watering so frequently and let the soil completely dry before watering again. Appoximately every three days. This lost me 2 plants. So then I tried to increase the light. This helped. I put my lights on for 20/4. 20 on, 4 off. I had tons of new growth but the bottom yellowing and (eventually dying) browing still happened. My plants are a lot older so I have more advanced symptoms but if you do not figure out the problem, they do die. I've lost 6 plants, all to the same thing. I also had severely stunted growth. You may have this too if you don't correct it. My mistake was waiting too long to fix them but I tired to experiment and see what worked and what didn't. I'm posting all my findings so you don't have to. I've now narrowed my problem to 2 things nute defiency/ photosinthesis definciency (which can result from nute defiency) or root balled and bound. However, after examining the plants that died, one plant was bound but the other 5 had great root systems. I added a bunch of moss and perlite to my soil. The perlite and moss sold at walmart, etc all have fert added though. Be careful of that. I had to find a specialty shop to buy it plain. But it did develop good root systems. I think it's definitely worth the 20 dollars to use it when you transplant. A lot of other people are having the same issues and some even have plant twisting too. All of these symptoms added to nute definceny but myself and several other people have added the nutes and the problem either gets worse or no better. I have a theory,just my own personal theory, I have no fact to back it up. I think the problem might be the fert itself. Everyone I know that has had this issue have one thing in common, we are all using fert purchased at local walmart, lowes etc. Maybe there is something in there that is not advertised to help control marijuana growth. I've heard that the government has a deal with MG to put in stuff that is specifically bad for weed plants. I don't know if this is true but it makes sense. I'm going to buy jacks classic fert and see if the problem goes away. It's the only other thing I can think off. This problem started when my palnts were 4 weeks and that was before i even gave them fert. I was using MG soil though and that had a fert in it. I've been going nuts for months trying to sort this out. If you figure anything out, please let me know and I will do the same. If switching fert works, I'll post here. It comes in about 2 weeks. Good luck. I hope we can all figure this out.


New Member
New growth still looks pretty green. I would check the medium for bugs.......
Infamous because some around here seem to be scared of a little competition....lmao


The new growth is always green in all the cases I've seen. As for bugs, only about 12% of the people I've talked to have had them. So that means theres still 88% that have this with no bugs....IDK. Anyone else have info?