Leaves Curling, Little Yellowing, Please help!


Active Member
Hey everyone from Rollitup,

I have a few questions about my plant.
It is around 2.3 weeks and is looking pretty healthy. I am worried that something is wrong though. The newer leaves are really green and look healthy, but the older mature leaves are turning darker and curling at edges and such. Its almost like the mature leaves are deforming. I was giving it 100ml of water a day, but then i heard everyday watering is too much, so now she gets around 120-150ml every 2 days. I have not given it anything except pure water. Also, 2 of the oldest leaves have a little yellowing at the tip.

The strain of the plant is ''A-Train'' which is a hybrid between afghani Mazar I Sharif and the clone-only Arcata e-32 Trainwreck.

I am a NEWB so please help me as much as you can. I will try to get pictures up asap. Thanks for reading,



Well-Known Member
wait another week, then start givin her 1/4 strength vegitative nutes. also, make sure the ph of your water is between 6.2-6.8 good luck and welcome to RIU :)


Well-Known Member
you need a freshwater ph test kit from the petstore, or a digi one. just cause it's bottled doesnt mean it's good for cannabis. underwatering is better than overwatering. overwatering suffocates the roots, which need oxygen. it also leads to root rot. to water, GET PH CORRECT. that's very important to plant. next, get a regular sized cup, even if you mix up gallons of water, use only a cup to pour onto soil. when soil looks dry, push finger down in it about 2".... if it's moist at all there, let her go another day and check again. if it's dry that far down, water. water with the small cup. pour in, wait 20 sec or so to look for runoff. if no runoff, add more. water until you have water dripping out of drainage holes in bottom, not pouring out. soon as water leaves container, your done. also, do not mist the plant. there's no set amount of water a plant should get, you gotta test it each time..... good luck


Well-Known Member
Also if the leafs are curling and you are getting yellow spots on the older leafs check your pot, make sre its not root bound. I'm willing to get thats something to do with it.


Active Member
Also if the leafs are curling and you are getting yellow spots on the older leafs check your pot, make sre its not root bound. I'm willing to get thats something to do with it.
No there are no yellow spots at all, theres only a tiny yellow on the tip, thats it. Ive got her under a CFL about 2-3 inches above with a fan blowing to keep temp. down.