leaves curling down


Hey everyone Im new here and a new grower, I have little experience and am looking here for some help with my current problem. Im a relatively new grower and Im trying a new strain skywalker og, every time I flower, in about the third week the leaves start curling down. I find it odd as the plant directly beside it is fine and perfectly healthy. Its a hyrdo system and I run a two part green planet now, last time was Advance Nutrients both had the curling. Ive checked the ppm its around 990 which is recommended for my system, as well as the ph is at 5.7. Im fairly sure its not nitrogen but this is why Im here to ask the more knowledgeable members. Ive attached some pics(sorry for the horrible quality cell pics but its all I have right now), one plant that has a cola like that while the plant looks normal, and the one beside it that looks perfectly healthy to me. Also I never had this problem with hempstar just since Ive tried the skywalker. Any advice and help is greatly appreciated. Thank you.




Thank you for the quick responses, Is too much nitrogen from how much nutrients Im using? Is there a way to test for too much nitrogen? Would a simple system flush and lower feeding remedy the problem?


Well-Known Member
I had clawing for almost 2 weeks in the first couple weeks of flower and I did a lot of research into it.

Clawing happens when the internal water pressure system of the plant isn't strong enough, and there are several things that can cause it. Two things are over/under watered (doubtful since you are running hydro). It can also be from over feeding (also doubtful at 990 ppm). It can also be from pH problems (said yours was fine).

That leaves two things: too much light, or salt build up in hydro systems. Plants are similar to the human body, in that they use salts to control the direction that water will move. If the salt content outside of the roots is higher than then salt content inside them, then the plant can't help but pull water from itself to outside of the roots, and it decreases the pressure until it can't hold its leaves up nice and straight.

This is most likely your culprit. Have you tried a fresh, clean res change?


Thanks again for the responses. Once a week when I add new nutrients I flush the system and put new water and the new nutrients. Someone once told me to run water for a day and then re-flush again. Tomorrow Ill flush system and try a lighter food level just in case.


Active Member
I had clawing for almost 2 weeks in the first couple weeks of flower and I did a lot of research into it. Clawing happens when the internal water pressure system of the plant isn't strong enough, and there are several things that can cause it. Two things are over/under watered (doubtful since you are running hydro). It can also be from over feeding (also doubtful at 990 ppm). It can also be from pH problems (said yours was fine). That leaves two things: too much light, or salt build up in hydro systems. Plants are similar to the human body, in that they use salts to control the direction that water will move. If the salt content outside of the roots is higher than then salt content inside them, then the plant can't help but pull water from itself to outside of the roots, and it decreases the pressure until it can't hold its leaves up nice and straight. This is most likely your culprit. Have you tried a fresh, clean res change?
Excellent response. 100% correct.


Well-Known Member
Still peculiar, tho, seeing as how it seems like he's been on top of his res changes and whatnot. Maybe it is one of the supplements he's been using. ..

I grow in soil, and it was still really hard to figure out what exactly was causing it, for me it was a pH thing leading to a fertilizer build up in the soil. How much does pH fluctuate in hydro? Does it change much after the nutes have been buffered and sat there for a while?


Well-Known Member
yep sugars add N as well if i remember correctly
Its been forever since I dropped out of college to smoke weed, but I'm pretty sure sugar = C6 H8 O12 (I'm sure the numbers are off, but carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen. That's for a simple glucose if I'm not mistaken)


the usual fluctuation is from 5.7 to around 6-6.3 then I adjust. Its really frustrating for me, I have these massive beautiful girls and they just start doing this at week three everytime. I hope that I can turn them around and get rid of this. Im gonna try lowering the feeding levels and do two quick system flushes to see if it remedies the problems.