Leaves Curling Down?


Active Member
The leaves on my Bagseed are curling downwards. Its been like this for a week now but didn't think much of it. Anyone know what is cause this? Using 4 23w cfls. 2 are 6500k and 2 are 2700k. Also using miracle grow moisture control soil with 1/4 vermiculite mix. Bagseed is on day 4 of 12/12 light cycle and 38 days from seed. Leaves Curling Down.jpgBagseed In New Grow Box Day 36 (1-8-2011).jpgLeaves Curling Down 2.jpg


Active Member
"Also using miracle grow moisture control soil" That's your problem they are basically over watered but it doesn't look that bad. Just let the soil dry out before you water it again don't let it stay mushy. I'd water it maybe once a week it really depends on your environment


Active Member
You sure its overwatering because before I took that picture my leaves were dropping and I just watered it and they went back to somewhat normal. I water every 2-3 days because my cfls are only 3-4 inches away and it drys out the soil very quickly. That bagseed has seen alot of stress. High heat, messed up light schedules and some nute burn and maybe some overwatering. :( Was my expirement plant so I could see how my new group box was working so im not too worried if it lives or dies. Got everything close to perfect now.


Active Member
i wouldn't worry to much about it. before you water poke your fingure in the soil to make sure it's dry about an inch deep. if it's still moist let in go another day and check it