Leaves Curling Down?


Active Member
expert all purpose nutrients
Expert Wal-Mart Soil
13x 26w CFL grow lights
4" pots

Plants are about 6 weeks old and a few of the leaves toward the middle of the plants are curling downward at the side edges of the leaves to make a cylinder shape...

the plants that are having this problem also look lighter in color and bigger than the other plants.

i don't know the pH levels of the soil...

i water them when the soil appears to be dry an inch deep.

12/12 lighting schedule.

they are also female plants in the flowering stage.


Well-Known Member
I also am having the same problem. My PH is fine and Temp is fine. I water when the soil is dry, but I was thinking maybe I should be using more water when I do water them. I am about 5 weeks into flowering. I have not had this problem before. I was just woundering if I was doing something wrong?


Well-Known Member
I need pics to tell for sure but It sounds like either a lack of nutes, the ph of the water, or the lack of watering.


Well-Known Member
I found my problem. It was because when I was watering them I was not using enough water. Once I used moe water the leaves flattened out.


Well-Known Member
I have a fan circulating the air. I have it all figured out now. Thanks for the information guys. JockHorror87 did you find out why yours are doing it as well? Was it from not enough water?


Active Member
I have a fan circulating the air. I have it all figured out now. Thanks for the information guys. JockHorror87 did you find out why yours are doing it as well? Was it from not enough water?

I could never figure it out, two of my ladies still have darker shade of green leaves that are curling like upside down tacos. I water them regularly and I am not sure of the problem


Active Member
You have them in 4" pots? That could be the problem. The roots need to grow.

So as you can see in the pics, its mainly more of the mature leaves near the middle that are doing the folding action, but most of the new leaves will as they grow. its annoying the shit out of me cause I have 2 other females doing really well under the same exact conditions. also I forgot to mention the temp is always around 78' daytime and around 75 or lower at night.



Active Member
So as you can see in the pics, its mainly more of the mature leaves near the middle that are doing the folding action, but most of the new leaves will as they grow. its annoying the shit out of me cause I have 2 other females doing really well under the same exact conditions. also I forgot to mention the temp is always around 78' daytime and around 75 or lower at night.

Also they are actually in 10 in pots I just forgot and put 4 in. its just strange how droopy they are and they have plenty of light and I do not overwater at all.