Leaves curl, brown, yellow.


Active Member
3 week old plants. These problems occured recently within the last few days. Note the nutrients were added to the soil after I found this problem, but I would like an experienced grower's advice on this. Humidity constant around 60%. Temps constant around 85*F. Fluorescent lights. Watered before lights turn off only when soil is dry.



Well-Known Member
I'm not as experienced as some growers here, but the first thing to do is get rid of that tin foil lining your box. Get some mylar or flat white paint. From the pic it looks like a minor nutrient burn. What kind of nutes and what strength are you using?


Well-Known Member
I got the same problem, mine started to flower then i moved it inside under a flouensent and its been looking pretty good since. Before i moved it inside though the bottom leaves were turning yellow very slowely then brown. I use tab water and dont have the money for nutrients. Im gonna put it back into flowering tommorrow, I jsut wanted it to get alittle bigger, its about a foot to 15 inches tall now and the top is lookin healthy and nice. Starting to get pistols only on the top and the leaves are a nice green color besides the bottom ones which are yellow. I think it may of gotten too much water outside cause i let it go maybe 4 or 5 days without water and it was still alittle damp!


Active Member
i agree about getting them into bigger containers. mine started looking like that in 16oz cups after about 2 weeks. after i transplanted them they started looking wonderful!!


Well-Known Member
Looks like you have a sooty mold problem too. I think your problem is the result of soil compaction/ poor drainage and over watering. Stop adding nutes get them out of those cups and put them in something a little more roomy.