Leaves cupping up?


For some reason the leaves are rolling up and I transplanted a plant last night and it did the same thing within a few hours but I used different soil for that one. I am stumped cause they're not under watered and I am using cfls 2-3 inches above the plant. Just got a ph kit so my ph may still be high.


Active Member
Most likely cause of curled up leaves is a MG deficiency. Other causes could be high heat, lights too close, too much wind, or a combo of all 3. Too much wind for prolonged periods can start to dry out the leaves. The first stage is for the plant to reduce surface area and that requires they curl. If heat is involved they curl up because the stomatas are on the bottom and that's where plants sweat (transpire) the most from. If they were to curl down they would block the stomatas and hinder their ability to transpire and cause them to dry out faster. Eventually the leaf will die unless steps are taken. If you think that might be the case, Raise your light and reduce the direct air contact and see if it helps.

To address the MG problem, add Epsom salt to your water at a 1 teaspoon per gallon ratio.



If you have a Mag def it should show on all the leaves? Its only cupping on the top. I also realized I was only giving them Big bloom and not the Grow Big with mag in it


Well-Known Member
OK so I'm a learning new guy, but I see threads like this. I think someone tried already once, but basically I feel this is a stack of symptoms. I had a similar problem and it was under charged coco that wasn't rinsed enough, mixed with heavy feeding after transplant forgot to do the light water/root tonic, the plants blew up but couldn't bring water to the leaves as fast as the leaves could grow, I use a special tonic made by a friend that causes all the vegitation to be huge, the leaves are as big as your head, so too much surface area for water evaporating, not enough roots. . turn down your lights and heat for a few days, give em a rest. . pretend your outside and it's cloudy. . give em some extra mg or ca+mg and let em cover those fresh new leaves with a bit of natural waxy coating to prevent evaporation, . . the mg will help em green up and then you can turn the light up a little after a few days and resume producing frosty goodness. If all else fails, repeat with a 5 x pot size rinse of nutes at 1/4 strength + super thrive and MG at a medium dose. Maybe some fancy root juice if you can afford it. :)


i replied to thread like this earlier and when i read how close your lights are and then you said its only happening to the top leaves it all pointing to heat stress, always use a decent termo and humidity meter. move your light to at least 60 cm maybe 40cm if your using cfl