Leaves closest to top "taco-ing"?

Sorry , IM not convinced :wall: lol. Every plant I ever had (house plants too) never ever curled up with lack of water. Only wilted down , down curling at an extreme case.
https://www.google.com/search?q=underwatered cannabis pics&tbm=isch&tbo=u&source=univ&sa=X&ei=R8PwU_vfMdD6yAT6mIGoAw&ved=0CBwQsAQ&biw=1366&bih=631
lack of water and to hot, I edited my post earlier about his fans. Plus, the first thing i noticed when I had broad mites was the dead leaves everywhere. plus slowed growth. At first i thought someone was sabotaging my soil. Then i found out about those little bastards. I know them well.
Okay, lets catch everyone up. they have been in 12/12 for 2 weeks now. I waited till they threw pistils in 18/6 before I switched. and then I waited some more.

As I said in the beginning, they were in a very small cardboard box with 2 4 inch pc fans. not enough air circulation when those two bad girls were filling the space out. also, the plants grew too close into the cfls. without my proper ventilation, thats too hot. I am pretty confident this is not mites. This has to be the product of heat and or moisture stress. With that being said, can i repair these leaves and the damaged growth?

I try not to let my plants stretch. These bushes are the result of monster cropping, low stress training and topping.

Chuck, my old lady wasn't pleased with me using a pan her mother gave us.. Haha

Edit** Some scrogging in the veg stage to bring more tops.
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lack of water and to hot, I edited my post earlier about his fans. Plus, the first thing i noticed when I had broad mites was the dead leaves everywhere. plus slowed growth. At first i thought someone was sabotaging my soil. Then i found out about those little bastards. I know them well.
We could most likely come to an agreement that plants act different ways to stress and bugs, not always the same exact way. I have fans blowing hard core in my rooms. Its like a wind tunnel and I like my plants to be muscular, never gotten curling from it, soil always gotten a bit more dried out but I likes it that way.
Okay, lets catch everyone up. they have been in 12/12 for 2 weeks now. I waited till they threw pistils in 18/6 before I switched. and then I waited some more.

As I said in the beginning, they were in a very small cardboard box with 2 4 inch pc fans. not enough air circulation when those two bad girls were filling the space out. also, the plants grew too close into the cfls. without my proper ventilation, thats too hot. I am pretty confident this is not mites. This has to be the product of heat and or moisture stress. With that being said, can i repair these leaves and the damaged growth?

I try not to let my plants stretch. These bushes are the result of monster cropping, low stress training and topping.

Chuck, my old lady wasn't pleased with me using a pan her mother gave us.. Haha

Edit** Some scrogging in the veg stage to bring more tops.
no, the damaged growth won't repair itself, you should be seeing some buds forming soon. you will be ok as long as you remedy the heat and moisture problems.also be careful on those feedings, that miracle grow already came with nutes, you may have used them up already, but you never know. A better soil choice next time would also help you out.
I was waiting for the miracle gro thing. I tried to avoid it, and in having no other choice at the time, I went with a mix that was phd to 6.7, has bat guano, worm castings etc. My next batch will be in a better soil mix, any suggestions?

Thanks all for their input!!
I was thinking Fox Farms, but I feel like that is the ford mustang of this world and I am not into paying for a name.. Clearly it has results, but i'm sure there are just as good, if not better underrated or maybe not as popular mixes?

My thing is; I do not want something like 50% coir and 50% perlite. I need soil with amendments so I do not have to feed this unorganic stuff all the time. That and its cheaper to me. I couldn't afford organic nutes if I wanted to. If i can avoid the nutes, I will. I feed when the plant shows signs of deficiencies (so im assuming the soil has expunged certain nutrients.)

I have to admit. I am on 2 forums and you guys are the greatest.

Roll. It. Up.
I was thinking Fox Farms, but I feel like that is the ford mustang of this world and I am not into paying for a name.. Clearly it has results, but i'm sure there are just as good, if not better underrated or maybe not as popular mixes?

My thing is; I do not want something like 50% coir and 50% perlite. I need soil with amendments so I do not have to feed this unorganic stuff all the time. That and its cheaper to me. I couldn't afford organic nutes if I wanted to. If i can avoid the nutes, I will. I feed when the plant shows signs of deficiencies (so im assuming the soil has expunged certain nutrients.)

I have to admit. I am on 2 forums and you guys are the greatest.

Roll. It. Up.
ocean forest would be a good choice, then just brew some teas(super cheap) and feed regularly.
I was waiting for the miracle gro thing. I tried to avoid it, and in having no other choice at the time, I went with a mix that was phd to 6.7, has bat guano, worm castings etc. My next batch will be in a better soil mix, any suggestions?

Thanks all for their input!!
Bx pro mix with mycorrhizae is my choice.
use pro mix myself. it works great with synthetic nutes, not the best choice for an organic grow though.
I've never tried organic myself. But from my understanding. Going the organic route you've got to start from the ground up. Preferable with the rawest forms of everything added by ones self. Then adding them to natural top soil. I know there is also a "resting" period between mixing and actually using it. The mix has to break down a bit or it will harm the root system. I have a problem waiting a week after adding lime to my pro mix. There's no way I have the space or patients to undertake that. But if done right you shouldn't be using anything other RO water throughout the grow. I'd also be worried about the learning curve on maintain my PH.
So the pro mix would be ideal? I am wanting to keep going the way I am, pre mix soil that I can lightly nute on top of. Something loaded with stuff like kelp and worm castings and guano etc.

I do not like to "feed" often. *Nutes
I'm not reading all these replies...your problem stems from moisture loss, most likely low humidity coupled with too infrequent of waterings and could also possibly be heat related but I doubt it..aim for around 55% humidity and stay around 75 degrees or cooler during the day, 80 is the danger spot where you are getting too hot! Water a bit more frequently or with more water each time