Leaves changing colour

One of my plants has half the leaves turning yellow. I appreciate Autumn but will this affect anything? I was going to harvest in a couple of weeks, and the weather forecast is good. Anyone else experience this? I am in southern Ontario.


Some fan leaves die off naturally but a full healthy plant won't. Maybe you have a calcium deficiency it you have brown dots too. Have you stopped using Nitrogen based feed? I always use a little bit until last two weeks to keep them nice and green. If you have purple stems too its most probably maganese deficiency. Hope I helped.
Some fan leaves die off naturally but a full healthy plant won't. Maybe you have a calcium deficiency it you have brown dots too. Have you stopped using Nitrogen based feed? I always use a little bit until last two weeks to keep them nice and green. If you have purple stems too its most probably maganese deficiency. Hope I helped.
Some of the leaves DO look purple. I won't worry about it then.

Freda Felcher

Well-Known Member
I have 2 that the leaves have turned yellow as well.
Is that a sign they are ready?
One of my plants has half the leaves turning yellow. I appreciate Autumn but will this affect anything? I was going to harvest in a couple of weeks, and the weather forecast is good. Anyone else experience this? I am in southern Ontario.
Yellowing fan leaves is normal towards the end of flowering, it's one of several signals the plant gives you to let you know it's getting close.


Well-Known Member
I have one plant left that seems to like getting a few small bud rots. I look at her everyday and cut what I see below where it is.
I sterilize everything after. I put her outside during the day when it is sunny and bring her in and put her in front of an isolating fan in the dark in my garage for the night. I am hoping she stops bud rotting and finishes or I will have to harvest her soon. The pistils just started going brown 2 days ago and I can see lots of milky tris. Keep your fingers crossed we can go far enough that she will be a great smoke.