Leaves are droopy and I dnt know whats causing it.SOME1 PLEASE HELP!!!


Active Member
whats up riu?I have a white rhino fem that has been flowering almost 40DSC00015.JPG days now.I went to check on my baby yesterday and all the leaves were droopy or wilting...:cry: so i gave it an ample amount of water and I came back 2day to see if it was fixed but its not:confused: so i need expertise help or someone that is knowledgeable with sum tips or criticism its all welcome. Thanx in advance guys keep up the gud smoke :joint:


Well-Known Member
Is it in a bucket?
if so are you using nutes?
if so whats the n.p.k?
mine was giving me some issues like this, it is in a 5gal bucket i upped the nutes and it got better.
could possibly be genetics but i mean if there only drooping now then chances are it's root bound


Well-Known Member
What kind of drainage does it have? It looks over watered to me. Make sure you are allowing the soil to drain and dry before you water again.


Active Member
@ Talrox its in soil...I used roots organic (i think).and i am also using nutes advanced nutrients big bud.@Serapis im not sure if i may or may not did a good job with the drainaige the soil is near clay so that may be issue but i will keep that in mind.


Well-Known Member
The problem with clay in the soil is it retains moisture for long periods and is VERY prone to compaction, which will prevent your roots from expanding. They'll still grow, trust me, plant roots can crack concrete, but at a much reduced rate. Maybe you should consider potting up with a potting soil.

Thanks also for the friend request mi amigo, :)


Well-Known Member
When mine droop on me, it was because it was under feed. When it's drooping it could be over or under feed. Good luck