Leaves are curling


I don't know what is causing this problem... I give them nuts on leaf every 2 days (i spray them) and i water them every 2 days . the pot is 500grams and i give them water 250g. Every time when i water them my leafs are curling much, after 2 days they turn to normal, but now it's been 2 days and its curling every moment. the water i give them is bottle water ph 6.00-6.50

Its Short Rider from nirvana and it's on day 21.



I'm relatively new but this looks like over watering. I followed the advice most people give- Water only when the soil gets pretty dry and in my experience DRYER than you think. Be patient, I woke up this morning thinking I was going to water but its still pretty moist just below the soil, so I'm waiting another day. Poke a little hole a few inches or so in and test the soil if its moist at all, do not water.

Just my opinion though, no expert!


Well-Known Member
I only grow in 100% perlite medium but that's what I see when I wait too long to transplant to a larger pot. Once I transplant they stiffen up in a matter of days.


well it's a very bit moist when i poke a little hole a few inches. And to get perlit here where i live is very hard.. i must do it online and the taxe for transport is like 300% higher than the price of perlit. I'm on low buget grow

PS: my english may suck badly.. so, sorry if u get some problems reading my post


Active Member
I don't know what is causing this problem... I give them nuts on leaf every 2 days (i spray them) and i water them every 2 days . the pot is 500grams and i give them water 250g. Every time when i water them my leafs are curling much, after 2 days they turn to normal, but now it's been 2 days and its curling every moment. the water i give them is bottle water ph 6.00-6.50

Its Short Rider from nirvana and it's on day 21.
You watering to much bro. Let the pot dry out and only water when dry, not on a regular schedule. Plants don't always drink the same amount every day. Humidity, temperature, salinity levels in soil, oxygen levels in soil etc. all play a roll in how much they drink. Also try and aim for a PH slightly higher 6.6-6.7, but that's my opinion. Hope it helps.


I hope they will get up.. i will not water them till i see a change, and my new leafs are a bit deformed, they roll a bit at the bottom ( i didn't water them for 2 days . I'm very scared... not to loose her



Hey, i want to thank you all for helping me! I given reputation to everyone who posted trying to help me! It was from to much watering so i waited 5 days then i watered them this morning i found them up and i changed the light from 24/0 to 20/4 for 2 days ( ill keep the light from now on to 20/4 ).

Now i got another problem ... my leafs stars to burn out, everyday since i posted here the leaf are starting to go yellow and burn out.
I didn't give nuts for 5 day, but my nute sistem in the past after 1 week of vegetation i given them every 3 day 2ml in water 250ml.
If is nuts burn how can i stop getting spread on my leafs? Only one plants its critical the last its green. Wat i used on a plant i used on the second.


if the soil has nutes already in it u may be over doing it by adding more i also know that yellowing of the plants can also be a potassium def.


Active Member
looks like nute burn to me. what kind of nutrients are you using in your foliar spray? nutrient solutions can burn your leaves.


I spray them with NPK 8,5-3-4 500ml water -4ml nuts (dissolved and sprayed ) and given her wen watering the plant 250ml with 1ml of nuts i did this every 3 days after 1 week, and i have 8 days with no nuts solutions . I flashed them last night so i hope a change, i have another nuts with a NPK 4,5-4,5-8

This pictures i make them today after the last night flush

