Leave them in pots or plant them in ground?


Well-Known Member
I am seeing people having exploding growth after being planted in the ground, should I leave mine in the pot or plant them in the ground?


plant them in the ground, Slugs are a bitch. oh and if mound a pile of dirt and plant em on top of that they do even better

Big N' Tasty

New Member
I just dig holes in the ground big enough to fit one bag of whatever organic potting soil your using. If you plant directly in the ground you wont have to water as often, and may get massive , especially if you have good native soil.


Well-Known Member
or leave them in pots, but cut the bottoms out...so you have a one pot raised bed...if the plant needs more ground it can get to it...but might not have to...


Well-Known Member
There's advantages to both... in the ground, many strains do especially good (in good soil) planted straight into the ground and they have the potential to get as big as possible; but when planted in a pot, they are easy to relocate (if need-be) and the pot helps keep out intruders (bugs, the roots of other plants, etc.)


Well-Known Member
Thanks b3rny, thats what I was wondering. How about just get a 15 gallon. I have them in a 7 gallon now


Active Member
another thing to note is if you have alot of clay in the dirt around and you put your plants in the ground the clay will stop the roots from growing further.


Active Member
I used 10 gallons last year but I have a fence line to worry about... If you don't have to worry about how big the plant gets then put it in the ground the roots stay cool on hot summer days and you don't have to worry about root lock