Leave it or pull it???

I say you should just do some intense LST on it and spread it out really good and then you might get some massive yield off it! :hump:

thats just what i would do if i had all those plants and it had already grown that much, don't kill cannabis man it ain't cool :)\

hip hip horray!


Well-Known Member
sounds like they were revegged, it makes the wierd leaf growth,
Did you presex em them put em out?
I wouldnt pull em, just give em more time to get their grow on.


Well-Known Member
I'd ride with it. Looks like your're going to have one helluva harvest. Wow! Now remember, this is coming from a guy who only ended up with a qp of dry bud last year. lol! This is my 3rd grow so hopefully I'll do better this time. Haha


Well-Known Member
sounds like they were revegged, it makes the wierd leaf growth,
Did you presex em them put em out?
I wouldnt pull em, just give em more time to get their grow on.
naw, they were all clones. I think I will put some others out in pots and see if she pulls out of it. If she doesn't then I will swap her out


Well-Known Member
Clones have the same sex an AGE of the mother, does it show any fowering.
I swear i have this with clones right now that were bairly flowering.

Idk? But i think it will take off growing soon.


Well-Known Member
LST that shit man! Get the light to as much of the plant as possible. Leave it alone. Put some others out there if you want. LST could give you an extra 1-3 ounces easily if you do it right. But start now b/c you dont want to move the branches much once it starts flowering since they will get woody (lol)


Well-Known Member
If it's reveging it could be a week or two before you see normal leaves growing again. Patience. Just let her grow! =)


Active Member
I've got a runt in my plot as well. Really stunted compared to the others. I plan on leaving mine alone. Who knows, it might actually decide to start growing.

northeastern lights

Well-Known Member
sounds like they were revegged, it makes the wierd leaf growth,
Did you presex em them put em out?
I wouldnt pull em, just give em more time to get their grow on.

I had about 10 plants last season flower on me cause they went out to early. Typical 1-3 growth, all but one yeilded nicely. Yours isn't as bad as mine were. As long as it's not stacking I say leave it and see what happens.

Here is one in late july

And a pic from early sept


