leave/clone questions


New Member
I have a bag seed plant at 12 days that has its first set of three fingerd leaves and its starting to grow new ones. will the next set of leaves be 5 fingerd or still 3 ? and when can i start taking clones off the plant. i have 3 plants all planted in different areas and i plan taking clones and placing the clones in the same area from the plant it came from any one try this?:joint:


Well-Known Member
it is best to take clones when the plant has started to branch out a bit but i spose u could top the plant and use that as a clone but id let them bush up for a bit and then take a few cuttings where im at its getting late for cuttings outdoors


New Member
what about the leaves? and when should i top it i think its stretching a little bit and would like it to get bushyer.
will get pics soon :blsmoke:


Active Member
How many cutting s can you take off a mature mother plant? Say one that has been growing for close to two months and is about 3 feet tall?