leave a song for the day

I grew up to this. I was smoking Columbian Gold and listening to this back in the late 70's.

Shock me
Make me feel better

Black leather...

Destroyer was the album.

This album was part of the beginning of my love for the guitar. I was taking Piano lessons at the time so the Tennis racket was my guitar for 2 years learning this. I know this album inside and out!! SHould probably learn it on the actual guitar at some point. But I kill it on the Racket. :p
This album was part of the beginning of my love for the guitar. I was taking Piano lessons at the time so the Tennis racket was my guitar for 2 years learning this. I know this album inside and out!! SHould probably learn it on the actual guitar at some point. But I kill it on the Racket. :p

I remember my father ripping the headphones off my head early in the morning listening to kiss before school. I was playing vinyl albums back then.

Good times.