Least Amount Of Time Vegetating?


Active Member
Hello Everyone,

I have vegetated for 35 days now and wondered wether i could go into flowering now or does smething have to happen?



Well-Known Member
you can go now!! how big are the plants!? if you're inpatient you can ship anything into flower at 12" or above !! even smaller for that matter!!


Active Member
One is 15cm and the other is 18cm. Do you think i should put into flowering? Also how much do you think i will get from these plants?



Well-Known Member
how much space do you have buddy? remember they can sometimes treble in size during flowering....
I normally go over at about 18 inches.
hope this helps


Well-Known Member
what kinda light you usin for veg and for flower?? it really up to you bro!! the more you wait the more you get !! id say they're a lil on the small side but if youre ready to get crackin then yes they can go !!


Active Member
I have lots of room but they dont seem to be growing fast. Im wondering if i should put into 12/12
Generally, the larger the plant the more bud you'll be able to harvest from it; however, to answer your question... You can put your plants into 12/12 any time after they have their first set of real leaves and in a few days you'll find out whether it's a boy or a girl. That said, I personally prefer to top my plants twice in a 30-40 day period while they're in veg (if I'm growing in a confined space indoors) and have a Sea of Green type thing going on so I can get the maximum yield from each plant once they produce bud(s).


Active Member
Thanks For the advice. I think i am going to wait another week or two. Im using a Plug And Grow 200W Envirolite. How do you top a plant?


Well-Known Member
do a search in the search box for topping!! basically you'll cut the top part of the plant of down by the lateral nodes are !!


Well-Known Member
..do a search on here for "uncle bens topping" Its best to veg until they are at 1/3 of the grow height for maximum yield.