Learning curve for first grow...!


My White Widows,
10th day of flowering. It's not looking good. I have been very carefull of over doing anything.
I like the fact that i can learn, so if someone knows where did i go wrong, i would be happy to know.
I'm watering when soil is dry, nutes every 2nd or 3rd time of watering, only Biobizz products from
Biobizz Starters Pack. No nutes what so ever in veg phase. Light were in veg 24/7 and now 12/12.
Growing in growing tent indoors under 250w hps, veg was under 125w cfl 6500k.


Well-Known Member
My White Widows,
10th day of flowering. It's not looking good. I have been very carefull of over doing anything.
I like the fact that i can learn, so if someone knows where did i go wrong, i would be happy to know.
I'm watering when soil is dry, nutes every 2nd or 3rd time of watering, only Biobizz products from
Biobizz Starters Pack. No nutes what so ever in veg phase. Light were in veg 24/7 and now 12/12.
Growing in growing tent indoors under 250w hps, veg was under 125w cfl 6500k.
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I am not a pro, but i had this kind of leaf dying with my clone. No space for roots to grow. maybe try to move it to bigger pot.


Active Member
over water it looks like . when the soil is dry doesn't mean the plant is . marijuana is a weed and strives when its thirsty . Don't give it water on a religeous date. make the plant think that its gonna be awhile till its next drink, so it'll prep herself for it .

keep on growin buddy!


Well-Known Member
over water it looks like . when the soil is dry doesn't mean the plant is . marijuana is a weed and strives when its thirsty . Don't give it water on a religeous date. make the plant think that its gonna be awhile till its next drink, so it'll prep herself for it .

keep on growin buddy!
They say water when the first couple inches of soil is dry, I look for that and seperation on the rim between the soil and the pot itself. Does look like too much water and why do you have the clay pellets over the soil. Get rid of them so the soil can breath


Active Member
like others said , your trying to grow a plant to long in such a small pot , its roots are packing tightly together and have no room to move out . Also marijuana is a weed, doesn't need water all the time no water how dry the soil is . If the plants stems and all of that are drooping and can't hold them self up no more thats when your suppose to water.


Well-Known Member
Dude i think u have a couple problems. Your pots r too small and either a ph problem or a nutrient deficiency. Check your ph if that's ok google marijuana nutrient deficiencies and match your symptoms .. But Y no nutes during veg? U might've stunted them.. And honestly next time u should use coco and a good hydro fertilizer line. That way when u have a problem you can just flush and start over. With soil you kinda have to pin point the problem


Active Member
It hurts saying .. but why would you want your girls to be so small and produce barely anything. Sucks seeing a white widow plant not reach her full potential /:

could he transplant it into a bigger pot this late ?


Great tips, thank you so much!.

So, i need bigger pots, i water too much and i need to test ph.
The pellets are because i read here they help to keep the soil moist longer and now i can realize the irony :sad: .
Is it too late for bigger pots as SkyZUU asked too?!?

This is kind of an "test grow" to me, plenty of seeds still left and i'm learning from this grow.
I would have made all these mistakes anyway ;-).


And honestly next time u should use coco and a good hydro fertilizer line. That way when u have a problem you can just flush and start over. With soil you kinda have to pin point the problem
Thanks!. I found coco from my local store or "Canna Coco Professional Plus". How long does it hold moisture?. Need to water more often?


Well-Known Member
Thanks!. I found coco from my local store or "Canna Coco Professional Plus". How long does it hold moisture?. Need to water more often?
idk, for a begginer grower i would say soil is a lot more forgiving, whatever your watering it with the soil buffers the ph for you so that isnt a problem, the coco has no nutrients in it so you need to have a much more accurate feeding schedule for it. first grow i did (in soil) i literally just added a splash of biobizz to my water every now and then. (noobishly i was still using veg during bloom!) but it still turned out great because the soil gave it enough to live on and be healthy. get her into a bigger pot right away and try and make sure rest of your growing environment is good and she'll be fine - its still early on. the yellowing will slow down


Well-Known Member
How long it holds moisture depends on the size of the pot but it drains very well. with mary Jane you want to use 3-5 gallon pots for the typical plant. You should start small and work your way up but you should've been in a 3-5gal pot long before u started to flower. But it's still not too late to transfer and hope for the best. But with the coco this is what I want you to do mix it with some perlite it should be somewhere along the lines of 3parts coco 1 part perlite( if u can't get it plain coco will do just fine) put it in wat ever pot you plan on using ,rinse it out, and plant.. You shouldn't have to water any more than once every 2-3 days. The first watering should be plain water. The second should be with your hydro nutes at 1/4 the strength. The 3rd at one 1/2.then on the 4th give the coco a flush and feed at normal strength then follow the veg recommendations on the bottle. If you flush it before every 3 feeding you avoid salt build ups, ph problems ,and nutrient issues.


Well-Known Member
@ anoos Dude yellowing is not normal the only time yellowing is ok is when the top of the plants are so huge that no light is making it to the bottom. His yellowing occurred on the middle of the plant that ruled that out. Too much fertilizer would have burnt the edges of the leaves which hasn't happened either. Over watering would have made the leaves show less vigor ( droop) not made the plants yellow and root bound plants (the pots are too small) don't yellow in particular areas. I suggested the ph might the problem because he definitely has a nutrient problem but all the nutes could be there and just not able to get inside the plants and it's the easiest thing to check and correct. soil buffers the plant but to a certain extent. It may take a greater fluctuation but the ph can be swayed with a salt build up or the wrong type of bacterium in the soil. The water where he stays could have different bacterium than yours. The soil and the air could be different. I agree that soil is easy but just because you didn't have a problem doesn't mean that he won't. Hes already having them that's y I suggested something easier


Ok guys

I bought today two 15 litre (aprx. 4 gallons) Air Pot Hydro - pots and Canna Terra Professional - soil.
Already transplanted to bigger pots. Small steps are maybe better for me :D


Well-Known Member
@ anoos Dude yellowing is not normal the only time yellowing is ok is when the top of the plants are so huge that no light is making it to the bottom. His yellowing occurred on the middle of the plant that ruled that out. Too much fertilizer would have burnt the edges of the leaves which hasn't happened either. Over watering would have made the leaves show less vigor ( droop) not made the plants yellow and root bound plants (the pots are too small) don't yellow in particular areas. I suggested the ph might the problem because he definitely has a nutrient problem but all the nutes could be there and just not able to get inside the plants and it's the easiest thing to check and correct. soil buffers the plant but to a certain extent. It may take a greater fluctuation but the ph can be swayed with a salt build up or the wrong type of bacterium in the soil. The water where he stays could have different bacterium than yours. The soil and the air could be different. I agree that soil is easy but just because you didn't have a problem doesn't mean that he won't. Hes already having them that's y I suggested something easier
To me it looked like the main fan leaves were yellowing up the plant from the bottom, just there werent any big fan leaves to yellow at the bottom so it seemed prominent in the middle, I could have mislooked or something, its just i've seen similar things before. I agree that there is probably something a bit wrong with the medium, like you say ph may be off or summat but seems like potting up into fresh soil and a quick flush would either fix it or failing that give you a good level playing field to start with in terms of diagnosis. I was just saying I don't think that for a first time grower already started in soil it would be any easier to halfway switch to coco and buy new nutes and ph up/down & a meter as well as stick to a feeding schedule etc.


Well-Known Member
Ok guys

I bought today two 15 litre (aprx. 4 gallons) Air Pot Hydro - pots and Canna Terra Professional - soil.
Already transplanted to bigger pots. Small steps are maybe better for me :D
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I really like airpots - good for keeping the roots active and not letting them circle the pot and lock. I kinda thought maybe they were just a gimmick but they do seem to have great results. keep us updated on how your babies are. Oh after they're settled in to their new homes do give em a quick flush just so your sure there deffo isnt anything funky in your old rootball


Well-Known Member
I really like airpots - good for keeping the roots active and not letting them circle the pot and lock. I kinda thought maybe they were just a gimmick but they do seem to have great results. keep us updated on how your babies are. Oh after they're settled in to their new homes do give em a quick flush just so your sure there deffo isnt anything funky in your old rootball
Lol saw this old post but thought i'd update in case anyone stumbles across this and tries to take some info, I would now say airpots are wank. They do the job for keeping a rootzone healthy in a small pot but they're just soooo annoying, they dry out too fast cos of the holes and when you come to water it pisses out like a fucking colander. Not ideal IMHO unless you really really need to keep your pot small. Not sure when that would be a problem without the size of the plant also being a problem tho lol