Learn from my mistake...


Well-Known Member
Hello everyone, I have some pepper plants in my garden and noticed there were a shit load of white flies on it and other bugs underneath the leaves so thinking I was being proactive, I sprayed my plants and the peppers. The peppers look great but look at my plants! Damn it. I am confident they will bounce back, but for others, don't over neem!:joint:



Well-Known Member
daaaaaaamn! what did you spray on them? they will bounce back, I believe in you! just stay positive and go with the flow


Well-Known Member
daaaaaaamn! what did you spray on them? they will bounce back, I believe in you! just stay positive and go with the flow
A mixture of bleach, amonia, and diesel fuel. I heard it makes females.:hump: Actually, just store bought neem oil spray. I did spray the fuck out of them so I am not too surprised. I an not worried, Mandala's strains are known for their ability to take a licking and keep on ticking.:peace:


Well-Known Member
I suspect something of the sort with my attack on thrips. About 1/2 of the 8 I have going I thought were gone for sure, but bless 'em they are trying to come back. We'll see - I've got 'em in my grow journal. I'd get yourself some sticky strips too - I've got bugs galore on mine after they've been near the bigger plant for 1 day. I was almost too sad to go check on them at first but the little buggers are fighters!

Also, for white fly, I had 'em bad in CA (not there anymore) on hibiscus bushes. You can get rid of them if you can spray your plants with high force water every day. BUT, you do have to then do something to keep them away (Neem, compost tea, garlic spray). I hate those bastards. Sorry about your plants.