leafy buds


Active Member
So I've been growing now for 6-8 mothns and have never experience this before. The buds are smaller and fluffy with big leaves - no density. Its like they are spending half the time growing leaves and half the time growing buds. I'm working in rockwool. I thought it may be light polution but I've spent a lot of time in the dark cycles making sure no light is getting in and I think I did a good job. The room is getting into the upper 50s at night which seems pretty cold but could that do it?

Any ideas? I'm pulling out my hair. I could probably post some pictures later.



Active Member
From what I have read on this web site anything colder then 65 degrees will make your plant hibernate and grow either very slow or hardly at all. You shouldn't let the temp drop below 60 at all.


Active Member
I've been pretty on top of ph. Its always between 5.8 and 6.2 and I try to keep it right at 6. I stuck my hand into the water last night to feel the temp and it was pretty cold.

Could the low temp account for the leafy bud growth?



Active Member
Any ideas for keeping the room warmer. Do you guys use heaters or tank heaters?

What in the world would cause buds to be so small? and leafs so plentiful?
yes it is the cold causes plants to reach for the sun/god/you. i use a tropic heater in my room but a fishtank heater would work well in a smaller scrog operation


Well-Known Member
the water in the res could be to cold for the roots to get thier nutrient and present them to the plant properly,,,50 degrees is pretty low if the res water is ice cold