Leafs Started to Curl


Not sure whats up with my plant, but when i woke up and went to say good morning to her I noticed that the leafs are starting to curl, I checked the ph & it is around 6.0. Why do would the leafs start curling like this? Not sure if it's normal as this is my first time doing this. Maybe my lights are to close to the plant? Snapped a quick pic, hopefully you can see what I am talking about. What am I doing wrong? I don't want her to die.DCP_0024.jpgDCP_0023.jpg


Well-Known Member
distance from top leaf to light and what kind of light are you running. How often do you water it. Whats the PPM or EC of the water you are giving it and what nuts are you using :)


First Rule: Do Not Panic - Ph is low (acidic) for soil - 6.5-7.5 universally accepted range if u google it - Curling is slight and likely lighting/heat issue - notice u have seedlings? and ur girl (how do u know? clone? fem. seed?) under same light? Seedlings appear to be stretching so I am inclined to think that it may be more of a light/heat issue @ this point - depending on ur response to light type and height as posed by another - but I would definately research recommended ph levels.


there is about 2 inches from the top leaf to the light, I am using cfl lights that I picked up at the hydro shop (sun blasters) I am planing to switch to these Blue 120W Spot Grow Bulbs that I seen at Home Depot (Next time I get off this island) I was giving it a little bit of water like everyday, but I have read that is a big NO NO, so I did not water her yesterday. not sure about the parts per million part (assuming that's what the ppm means that you are referring to. As for nutrients I am watering it with Nirvana All natural bloom enhancer 0-0-1, and I have put bone meal around the soil. I did not realize how technical you had to be when growing, so much more that just throwing the seed in the ground and waiting. When I was watering it daily, i was only giving it drops at a time. Not soaking the soil..yesterday was the day I stopped giving it water, and woke up to curly leafs.


Well-Known Member
i would water the plant every 3 days maybe 4 depending on how the soil holds the water. and it looks over watered. and the cfl how many? i would use 4 in there since it is very reflective it looks. becuase the plant does look stretched as stated by callmebud. AND the ph needs to be adjusted as he said as well becuase u will get nut lock up and u will see your plant die :( and we dont want that to happen. and i would keep growing in for about another 2 weeks and get some tomato feed since u are just entering but i would say get some sensi grow A/B and Sensi bloom A/B ( personal pref) but how many cfls and wat are there watts


with the older plant I am just being overly optimistic and hoping that it will be a female, that seed came from some good bud I had a couple months back. 2 of the seedling are feminized seeds that I got online (diesel acid, and afgan kush) the 3rd is unknown, but from good bud. The seedlings have been approx 4" from the light source, this morning i took the box out that they were on and dropped them lower (about a foot below the light, if that) should they be closer? The lights (for now) are nothing fancy, just cfl's ... 2 from canadian tire, they are 20W plant bulbs, but that's about all i know about them, the other light is a sun blaster cfl 26W 1700 lumes full 6400K spectrum? No idea what that means other than it mimics natural light, oh and the lumes I am assuming is the brightness. I used a soil testing kit to test the ph, and after using that I will defiantly go out and pick up a better tester. most of the soil i was testing looked to be in around the 6.5ph range, but at the very top it looked a bit lighter in color, so i just went with saying ph of 6. Yea I still don't know what I am doing yet, but that will change in time =)


Well-Known Member
mmkay well i would suggest 2 more bulbs and keep them at about 3-4 inch above and if u are using 2 i would say 2-3 inch and more light more watts and better bud and 6500k is for veg and then 2700k i for flowering. but what i would suggest in veg have 3 6500k and 1 2700k and then flowerign have 3 2700k and one 6500k :) that should. but yea slow down on feeding them and u should be great and when u switch to flowering get some tomato food unless u wanna buy sensi bloom or other bloom nuts from hydro store. and the 2 20w bulbs are tehy blueish or redish?


Thanks, your advice is greatly appreciated. I was almost wondering if I was under watering, but the soil isn't dry so I must have been over doing it. I will water it every few days like you recommend. As for the bulbs 2 are 20W & one is 26W, better than the old fluorescent light I was using (30 year old desk light) lol The lights will be changed very soon, hoping this week sometime. Will have to make a small list of supplies, as I live on an island that i don't leave very often. So nice being back in the bush away from people... Eventually I want to take these "girls" outside, but i was told to wait till mid may at the earliest. I know I messed up with my timing, i germinated 1 seed just to see if it would take (which I didn't think it would).. then after approx 3 weeks I did 3 more ...I am keeping them under the lights for 24hrs, not sure how long I keep this up, but I think when it comes time to switching the light cycle I will have to separate the plants. If i want these to grow outside eventually which I do, should I keep them in the pots or put them in the ground? I have a huge swampy area around my house. Not sure if I can utilize the swampy soil & water. the soil is very different in different areas, some have natural streams running through, and up on higher ground it is dryer. Well I hope my plant doesn't die before I get a chance to move her outside (praying its a her)


Well-Known Member
i would have them 18 on and 6 off so they have a rest timei would put them in the ground but dig a whole and put nice soil in there :) and if u have fertile soil just dig a whole transplant and give it water and take about 2-3 for plant to recover wafter being transplanted and if u are going to do outside flower i would get as many lights as u cna in that grow area u have now to grow them as big as u can becuase flowering under the sun u will get AMAZING BuD :)


These bulbs should be gone in a few days, I just have the 3 right now, none of them are colored. The light I am looking at on home depots website is a 2' blue 120w spot grow bulb. I was thinking of getting at least 2 of these for my box if not more. The box they are in right now is also a temp job, just had them in there to hide them somewhat. I plant on building something bigger today in the shop. If these plants are going outside eventually, do I even have to mess around with my light cycle? or can I just keep them under lights 24hr until they move outdoors? Have you herd anything about the Nirvana nutrients? I was blown away when I walked into the hydro shop, and saw the selection they had. I choose the Nirvana as I recalled seeing it somewhere online, and the bottle looks kinda cool lol


Well-Known Member
Niravana is also really really good :) i would not have them 24/7 alot of stress and no down time. and get those lights nad keep the current lights u have as well. u can never have enough light


so the seedling can be on the same cycle 18 on 6 off? Sure would be nice to sleep at night without that big night light


Well-Known Member
yes they can because lights always on does put stress on the plant because it has no break. So yes. Seedlings are just fine with that as well. becuase in nature the sun i not always shining :)


Active Member
I would definently say over watering. But it could also be a lighting problem. I don't under stand the whole soil thing. I'm using soil from outside and my plants are growing just fine