leafs pointing upward, is this bad?


Well-Known Member
a couple of my 6 day old purple bubba has the broad (non-rigid) leafs turning upward dramatically. is this a bad thing or is everything fine?


Active Member
a few of my seedlings are doing that. I have no real answer for this question... maybe its lack of sunlight making them seek it out more???


New Member
leafs are searching for water
I would suggest watering, Leafs cupping is a natural sign of hopeing to catch water rain:clap:


Well-Known Member
some sort of stress is my guess.
fans blowing directly on them maybe? too hot too cold???
to hot a mix maybe?


Well-Known Member
Wow, you guys need to learn to read your plants
errect leaves is a sign of stress, they are transpirin to hard
if it is only the top few nodes it indicates your light is too close
otherwise you have temp/humidity issues
this type of stress is referred to as moisture stress

In no way whatsoever are they looking for water :)