leafs folding


Active Member
what causes this? only 2 of the leaves are doin it on my biggest plant. friend said lack of water, but they have been gettin enough water with this rain we have been having


Well-Known Member
It could be heat stress, but We'd need to see a picture to know the real reason. In a sense if it is heat stress it is lack of water. Because the plant is losing moisture faster than it can uptake it through the roots. to fix it, spray some ph'd water on your plants at night, they will absorb it and it should keep your plant from being damaged by the heat. this is not a one time cure though. you'll need to do this once every few days, or every day if it's severe enough.


Well-Known Member

here it is. the leave on the left is the one that is foldin(obvousily)
This happened to one of my plants when I first started growing and I could never figure out what it is. It could still be heat stress but I can't be entirely sure. Usually with heat the leaves curl up at the sides and shrivel up though.. I'd wait for a second opinion from someone more experience than me.