leafs curling up. "Saw Blade" White hairs dying and shriveling up...


Well-Known Member
Run down.....
Barney's Farm Pineapple Chunk Fem seed
Fox Farm original soil
General Organics "Go Box"
400watt hps
small fan for air movement
Was feeding quarter strength up until the 5th week of veg. I always use cal/mag and the proper nutes for the phase of the plant..
So to bring everybody up to speed. I have a closet grow that started out as a scrog grow. everything was great until i started running into what I thought was an over fert or nutrient lock. Fan leaves started to curl up like saw blades, and necrosis started to show up. not just brown spots but dead spots. Never had a full leaf die completely but it was getting ugly for a min. White hairs have been falling over and turning brown and dying. not a lot of them but say 3% on each cola. Unfortunately i had to remove the scrog for transport so i could start flushing this thing out.
I've pushed over 4 gallons of water through her in the past 2 weeks... Still looks the same.. so now i'm looking for a little help so these last few weeks aren't a waste...I ph everything i put into this girl and keep it at 6.7-7.0 max.
Pics aren't in any order but i'm sure you can pick out what i'm talking about.
Thanks again..



New Member
How did it turn out??my friends is doin something similar but in veg...thought it could b locked out but 1-2Weeks str8 water and still the same so now he's gonna try something high in n/p/k..maybe WAY high so it could bounce back after 4out of 5 never even made a week after germ..he's really frustrated with p chunk because its growing with 15 other diff strains and its the only one having problems..I guess he really needs this one to make it so he can clone as many as he can bring that it's the only one that made it..anyone have any ideas on what can bring the chunk back to normal???