leafs curling up/down and have brown spots.. Mg def? *Pics*


Well-Known Member
So I've done my best to try and identify the cause, and the reason to this happening.


As you'll notice there are patches and dots of death is what it seems like. They seem to be drying up at the top.

About 6 weeks into flowering.
Temps stay at 75-84 Fahrenheit
Solution pH : 5.0-6.0 (its neutral on the color scale, yellowgreenish)

Soil : FoxFarm something

Nute : Tiger Bloom

2tsp/1Gallon (I let water sit out for a day before watering so chlorine or whatever can evaporate, the pH of the water is very high around 7-8 almost i think.

If anyone could shed some light or help me out that would be great.

Will post more pics, this is all I can do for now.



Well-Known Member
So I've done my best to try and identify the cause, and the reason to this happening.


As you'll notice there are patches and dots of death is what it seems like. They seem to be drying up at the top.

About 6 weeks into flowering.
Temps stay at 75-84 Fahrenheit
Solution pH : 5.0-6.0 (its neutral on the color scale, yellowgreenish)

Soil : FoxFarm something

Nute : Tiger Bloom

2tsp/1Gallon (I let water sit out for a day before watering so chlorine or whatever can evaporate, the pH of the water is very high around 7-8 almost i think.

If anyone could shed some light or help me out that would be great.

Will post more pics, this is all I can do for now.

Definitely over fertilization and lockout.

Flush them Flush them Flush them


Well-Known Member
What should the pH of the water be when I flush. As the tap here is very high, wont that affect it?


Well-Known Member
It looks like your light is kind of close to the bud. could you have a heat problem? the rest of the bud looks good.