Leafs cupping upwards on the sides?

Run Down: Temp 79-81 Day 68-70 Night / Humidity: 50-65 (Spikes to 70-80 at night) / Two Part Nutes (Backing off suspect nute burn) / 600 MH Air Cooled 2 feet above tops / 4x4x6.5 Tent / Osc Fan and lower vents open / Sunshine Mix 4 Medium + 1/2 Cup Worm Castings per pot/ 3 Gallon Pots / Water approx every 3 Days just started to Ph (soil at 6.7 ish) / Day 40 Veg:wall: As you can see in the pic the leafs are cupping upwards this was the first plant to do it some others recently started showing the same thing although much less severe and some plants not doing it at all. I was told heat stress although I cant see that because Its the lowest canopy and the lights very high the temp seems normal at 79-81 at most although it is also the furthest from the fan. Anyways any help would be much appreciated.:clap: Questions: #1 Pic one why is it cupping on sides? #2 They seem droopy as in the stems/leafs hang on eachother #3 The lowest braches on some are ram horning/curling under any suggestions? Im worried they are not going to make it through flowering.



Well-Known Member
It is heat/moisture stress the plant is transpiring too hard

heat/temp humidity, lights and CO2, water PH are not dialed properly

I explain how to dial these factors in to perfection in my NooB Advice thread


Active Member
70-80% humidity at night?? Holy cow. You are going to have some moldy bud if they even finish. You are inviting bugs also they love hot humid conditions. Get better circulation and ventilation pronto. JMHO
70-80% humidity at night?? Holy cow. You are going to have some moldy bud if they even finish. You are inviting bugs also they love hot humid conditions. Get better circulation and ventilation pronto. JMHO
They are still vegging right now I will have a inline fan soon which im not sure if that will help with the humidity or ill get a dehumidifier. I was told that in vegetive high humidity is good? Although if bugs and mold happen at that humidity Im gonna do something about it pronto. Thanks for the advice.