Leafs clawing down after transplant

hey everyone I’ve transplanted these and gave them some water for the soil to settle and leaves have started clawing down could anyone help me out, I’ve been giving them Dutch pro multi total every 2 weeks 1ml/L of water, and they are around 4 weeks old under a 360w led and ph’d to 7 anyone know what’s causing this? This started 2 days ago and hasn’t really changed since


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When you transplant, that dry soil your adding is gonna suck the moisture right out of it. You gotta give them a good watering. roots aren’t going to search dry dirt for water and food.
How long after watering do you think it should take to recover I’ve watered them about an hour ago and leafs don’t seem to be getting any better
They don’t seem to have changed from earlier on bro do you think there’s anything else it could be?
If you're uncertain if they're under or over watered then water them all heavily....n then wait 48-72 hours...an overwatering isn't going to hurt as long as you allow the medium to dry out...water thoroughly...allow to dry...water throughly...allow to dry...you'll get a feel for what your plants need after some time...you can always lift the pot to feel its weight to see if its dry or soaked...only other thing I can think of is of that medium is too compact n not allowing the roots to breath....in that case itll take longer to dry out....that stuff looks like itll hold moisture well
Just looks like normal slight drooping like after a watering or if lights are going off soon (getting ready to sleep)
Nothing to be concerned about.

The "claw" looks much different. The leaves curl up and roll down like this:
If you're uncertain if they're under or over watered then water them all heavily....n then wait 48-72 hours...an overwatering isn't going to hurt as long as you allow the medium to dry out...water thoroughly...allow to dry...water throughly...allow to dry...you'll get a feel for what your plants need after some time...you can always lift the pot to feel its weight to see if its dry or soaked...only other thing I can think of is of that medium is too compact n not allowing the roots to breath....in that case itll take longer to dry out....that stuff looks like itll hold moisture well
Okay thank you mate I watered them earlier and they seem to have got worse so I’m thinking it was the other way round haha, and cool how could I fix this I never really packed it in just threw it in, should I try sticking some holes through the soil to help the water run off?