Leaf turn yellow

You are definitely being a little forum bitch, I don’t mind, to each their own, smoke your nitrate weed and loosen your panties up
back in the old day we didn’t have internet and forums like this, if you wanted to act like a bitch and be a punk you’d get your ass whooped and it would deter you from being a punk. I’m sure you have this problem a lot.
That’s your opinion, your just being a little bitch about it if you like dark green leaves general hydro nutrients and haze strains you obviously aren’t in this business. But you are a little bitch
Not growing haze.

don’t have a business

Lots if people grow on here with GH and Lucas. You’re such a tool

everyone on here thinks they have the best weed
That’s all I got for you its the only thing I know about you and it fits you perfect. Your a little punk bitch I’m sure you have these kind of issues with people all the time.
Yes I set them straight daily. Only people will admit they were wrong when face to face. On the internet they won’t. Strange

Way to make this guys thread about you and not about his plant. Congrats.