Leaf tips pointing straight up / down ?


Well-Known Member
Just wondering if anyone has a clear answer as to what makes the tips of leaves suddenly point straight down ( or in a few of the leaves, up ). The only thing I have done is watered pure distilled with a little PH up. I am thinking I may have caused the pot Ph to go up a little too fast ? This is the only thing I have done to this particular plant. I just got done sexing it and one other plant that were abnormally tall compared to the rest.

The only other issue I really have is low humidity ( It is put into a closet with a small fan at night for the dark period as I am growing outdoors ). The color of the leaves is fairly normal.

Thanks in advance!


Active Member
Yes i have the same question and have been looking for an answer ikf it is a problem or not. i also have one really taller than the rest but it all looks good.
I am getting ready to clone for sex this week.
If I find out why I will post it.


Well-Known Member
What was your pH before and after. What's your growroom setup? What are the humidity and temperature? And how often do you water and fertilize (if you do at all)?


Well-Known Member
Where are the knowledgeable growers when you need them.....
They're around, but no-one will be able to give you an answer based on the information you've given. Pictures are worth a thousand words - put up pictures, so we can see what you're talking about.

Without pictures even the most experienced grower in the world is simply pissing in the dark trying to figure out what your problem is from the information you've given.

I don't like peoples descriptions of their problems either, 9 times out of 10 they miss vital information out, which makes it even harder trying to give an opinion.

Leaves pointing up and down without any further details bascially could be anything at all.


Active Member
here is one pic of the leaves pointing down. 85 deg, Humidity good,ph 6, 1 ounce of nut per gallon 3 times a day at 30 min each with 2 gal dippers.


Well-Known Member
here is one pic of the leaves pointing down. 85 deg, Humidity good,ph 6, 1 ounce of nut per gallon 3 times a day at 30 min each with 2 gal dippers.

nutes sound high, amount of water feed even higher - my guess classical over-watering if this on soil and even for rockwoll damn wet, and in addition some upcoming nute problems soon too.... check the watering schedule, rockwool nor soil should get dripping soaked. and check on that nutes too, sounds like a lot to me, but on the other hand i don't know what you use there:neutral:


Active Member
Rockwool cube 4 inch then put in 8 inch pot with hydro clay rocks. Hydroponic pump and drip tray.
Well i have same problm but i think i know the soulution. My main plant witch i toped at 3 months.. and now has 35 colas aka bud stocks.. and 4 main stalks coming out of were i cut the head 2 times.. well i built a green house.. and the back side of my plant comes in contact with the wall from pressure in the green house moving the walls in and out.. now since i put the plant in a free roam area.. some leaf tips point south and some point north.. just the tips... and my leafs are pure dark green healther as hell.... and i give this plant alone 2 gallons of water a day with 10 drops of super thrive.. its 5 feet tall and 8 feet wide... and weighs over 220pounds. i have to drag the thing around..... any way .. is it every single one of ur leafs or just the outter ones that could be coming incontact with walls... cuss they will natuly curv ur grow twards the direction of the none restiction aka the wall..