Leaf shriveled No clue why. Any ideas??


Well-Known Member
I went in to check on my plants and part of one of my leaves was just shriveled and hanging. It wasn't dried or crispy just like limp and hanging.

I pulled on it and it came off DSCN2671 (Large).jpgDSCN2672 (Large).jpgDSCN2670 (Large).jpg


Well-Known Member
pH issues usually cause that. whats you pH?
edit: or a fan blowing directly onto that spot?


Well-Known Member
if you start to lose more leaves there is a problem, but there isn't one, imo. its like Coho stated..........a little boo boo


Well-Known Member
I am glad to hear that sir! I Just got worried that it was a sign of an upcoming problem. I will not stress over it. Thank you for easing my runaway thoughts.


Active Member
It may be nothing but it kinda looked like your leave tips around the edges are curled up a little. If so. You might want to raise the light up JUST A LITTLE not a lot. But that 1 leave looks like damage. Do you have a cat. If so. It's been chewing on your grow man. I know my cat loves pot leaves.