leaf rejuvenation?


Well-Known Member
Are there any circumstances where leaves, after becoming chlorotic, will repair themselves or do they pretty much stay that shade until death? Like if you have a ph or nutrient problem which caused some lower nodes to yellow can you expect them to turn green again if corrected? Or does it depend on the cause?


Well-Known Member
my first, its an indoor vegged/outdoor flowered, 4 feet tall indica, planted in ocean forest 4 gallon pot 2 months ago. Last Saturday, I notice a N def starting and say, hey, I better fertilize. Even though I have read everywhere that you start at half dose, what did I do? I reasoned that since they were deficient, I better do the full dose. 3 full doses in a week. My logic was pretty fucked as you can see. I checked the ph of that water and they are 6.0 with my ph drops. Which means they could be lower as thats as low as it goes. 6.0 from metanaturals base+bloom which would be 3/8/8 + micronutes. So I am thinking the high K + low ph locked Mg. Sound right? And now I want to cry. Lesson learned though. It's been raining since midnight, so at least it's being flushed and cleaned with natural water today, but my last nute-watering was Wednesday and its been sitting in that since. All in all, looks like I will lose 3-4 large, old fan nodes which should comprise at least 10% of photosynthesis capacity, so this was a pretty stupid mistake.