Leaf question


Well-Known Member
So, I am getting a few of these. She is outside in full sun and full flower (week 3). Just starting to see trichs on her. I gave her a blast of EJ microblast and a high P foliar feeding and she responded, but a few days later it is starting again. I'm waiting for the rain to pass before I feed her again and am just wondering exactly what you all think is the exact problem.

My stems are a bit woody and some of the leaf stems are purplish on some of my plants (which is why I gave the EJ) but this is the only one that is showing this yellowing (she is also the most advanced in flowering). But overall, the plants are looking good (between 4 and 8 feet tall; the one that isn't LST'd is 12' and showing no defs, also in flower. Only the one has this leaf issue.

20120001 (Small).JPG


Well-Known Member
I personally wouldn't worry about it. Yellowing leaves in flowering is no big deal. I've had four successful grows all with yellow leaves at some point in their growth. Happy growing and may all of your harvests be bountiful.


Well-Known Member
Okay - I'll just keep doing what I'm doing - that is, making sure they get a little of everything and not overdoing it ...


Active Member
My plants are looking like that right now too...i attributed it to sunburn..i could be wrong so don't quote me but it looks almost identical. has it been really bright/hot in your area before the rain? The UV index in my area has been very high recently

i bought some Potassium Silicate (DynaGros ProTekt) to help with the heat stress through summer...like i said could be wrong as i am a beginner to growing cannabis (but not growing in general) and i am still trying to recognize changes in the leaf

EDIT: im on a cellphone too so its hard to see the picture fully...if those marks are bleached yellow looking then im right, if it is normal flowering yellow im wrong


Well-Known Member
The heatwave has passed here but it did get to 90 yesterday. I don't think that's too hot.


Active Member
The heatwave has passed here but it did get to 90 yesterday. I don't think that's too hot.
check the UV index in your area (WeatherChannel.com), that is what really causes the sunburn on sensitive plants. (From about 1 - 3:30p it is Very High here in So Cal)


Well-Known Member
My inner and lower leaves are going through the "bloom yellowing leaf" stage......they are getting everything they need......It is just the heat in my case that I believe is causing the yellowing.........that does kinda look like a Mag def......but I wouldn't sweat it since you already microblasted your ladies


Well-Known Member
I'm not going to get bent out of shape. I gave them a foliar feed and some AzaMax (some nibbling mite issues so I chose this instead of BT). I'll give them more EJ next week (I agree, Fresno, it looks like mag/sulphur). They're due for a watering in the morning. The promised rain did not materialize...

Boy, they are looking and smelling good :weed:


Well-Known Member
Yeah I have been blasted only Neem Oil lately because it seems to be working to kill my rust(fungus) and repelling the butterflies and moths. I don't see any new bite marks on leaves.........I am going to stop using molasses in my planting bed because I am starting to notice white flies.


Well-Known Member
Neem is good stuff, I just can't stand the smell. The Safer's soap stinks, too. I should probably just use Murphey's oil soap (cheaper) because that is all it smells like. Anyhow, both are great but only in veg for me. I really enjoy hanging out with the ladies but not when they smell funky instead of skunky :)


Well-Known Member
My inner and lower leaves are going through the "bloom yellowing leaf" stage......they are getting everything they need......It is just the heat in my case that I believe is causing the yellowing.........that does kinda look like a Mag def......but I wouldn't sweat it since you already microblasted your ladies
Yeah I was going to say the same thing...looks like Mag def to me.


Well-Known Member
I blasted her like a week ago with the EJ microblast and it did respond. I just didn't want to give it again so soon (label says every two weeks) but it probably won't hurt. I'll see if she seems to be askin tomorrow. I can give it again to just her so I might do that.


Well-Known Member
Yeah, I am too cautious but the truth is that they would do just fine without me, lol